Title: Three's a Crowd Prompt: A Caddie threesome with Mark, Arizona, or Erica Fandom: Addison/Callie/Mark, Grey's Anatomy Requested by: lakelaRating: R
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Bwahaha....Very funny drabble. Danielle, I love your writing and I cannot think of one single time where I couldn't picture the characters involved. You write them all so well and....so real. You even captured Mark brilliantly! Good job babe. :D
LOL I was definitely not expecting this when I said threesome (it did strike me as odd that you would choose Mark... hehe), but Mark totally deserved it. *snickers* I echo Kris' words, your writing is brilliant and perfectly in character... and I needed the laugh.
Haha! I was all "Ooooh, threesome!" then "Ugh, Mark? What kind of lesbian are you??", but I should've known better than to doubt your queer sensibilities. *lol*
Bad Callie and Addie! No one likes a cocktease. [But I'm glad that didn't force themselves to get into and end up having to blame it on the al-al-al-al-al-alcohol.] *sigh* You right them so well.
HAHAHAHA I can totally picture this actually happening and then Addison and Callie getting it on while watching the movie. lol Great job, you portrayed them excellently.
Comments 5
Excellent work! :p
Bad Callie and Addie! No one likes a cocktease. [But I'm glad that didn't force themselves to get into and end up having to blame it on the al-al-al-al-al-alcohol.] *sigh* You right them so well.
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