Hey, it's Carolyn from BTS... I know I never got around to posting on your journal b/c I found it during thesis time and I was too harried to notice much of anything, but I really like reading your journal and hope you'll put me on your friends list.
hey! You don't know me but you've probably heard OF me. I'm Sara's BFF Crystal. I thought you might add me 'cos I'm pretty cool and I note a lot and youre good friends with my best friend and did I mention I'm cool? LOL. I'm so modest aren't I? Totally kidding though, I'm not conceited although I ramble on way too much, as you can tell already. LOL anyways, I'm adding you! <3
Hey I just stumbled across your journal in a community, saw a Stevie lyric paired with girl slash and knew I had to request an add! Although it's very myspacy of me, I have to ask...want to be friend? :D
hey, you don't know me because I'm quite recent to joining livejournal. I was hoping we could be friends because i love your fics, and i need to make some friends on lj. You seen really cool so thought i'd add you!! luckyyyy lol. only messing, so,friends? from sally
Comments 144
you've so been added :D
from sally
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