Subtext in Torchwood S1 vs S2

Apr 06, 2008 11:32

I haven't watched the first ep of DW S4 yet, but I did finish TW S2 and wanted to discuss how much I think the subtext of the show has improved since S1 in two ways:  its outlook on female sexuality and how it views groups who are othered as represented by aliens.

For a show that touts itself as being about pansexuality, female sexuality in S1 was ( Read more... )

culture, doctor who/tw

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celisnebula April 6 2008, 18:19:30 UTC
(Gwen loving Rhys and Jack)

I'm not so sure that Gwen loves Jack. I think she's in love with Rhys, but he's so ordinary and familiar, and last season it was hard for her to go from a job where she could share things with him to being totally mum. That's why the aberration of Owen and Gwen happened (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

Now that Rhys knows about Torchwood, and she can share things with him, and not hide behind lies and subterfuge, I think things will get better for her and Rhys.

Jack though, Jack is this handsome, ambiguous, mysterious man... she's got a crush on him. And Jack's just attracted to everyone physically - though I think he doesn't often get emotionally close (though now that he reconnected with the Doctor, that might change).

And Ianto is becoming so much more than eye candy - yah!

I do worry about S3 though. Though I'd like them to bring Andy on board, I don't think they will (loved his snark, especially at Rhys), and while I thought for a bit they were grooming Martha for Owen's job (which is still possible), I doubt it will happen. So we've got a hole to fill - and I fear it will be back to shoddy scripting for those two hole.

Ohhh and have you read copperbadge's The Rules of Torchwood Three? They're brilliant!

But then I've a crush on Sam's writing!


ubiquirk April 9 2008, 00:19:27 UTC
Or she loves both but in very different ways. I do completely agree with your take on the Owen thing.

Now that Rhys knows about Torchwood, and she can share things with him, and not hide behind lies and subterfuge, I think things will get better for her and Rhys.

I hope so too.

I wonder about Andy joining too, and maybe even Rhys. I hope whomever it is is good.


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