And now for something completely ... unadjectivey

Jan 08, 2008 22:01

So the glorious
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books, sf

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Comments 12

tudorpot January 9 2008, 03:37:53 UTC
ABe books has over 100 copies in US locations starting at $5.50

I have listed it on my Bookmooch wishlist- but lots of others have as well- so more likely to get it this century via Abebooks or similar.


ubiquirk January 9 2008, 04:18:38 UTC
Thanks - it had been a while since I'd looked at Abe. Out of that ~100, one of them was actually this specific cover! [I have the book - it's this one cover I'd like to find.] Now, the issue is the seller is scalping the price ($36 bucks? They're claiming it's a first printing, but the book came out in 1968 or 69 and has been published well over 10 times.) I'll keep checking this site though.


tudorpot January 9 2008, 05:13:43 UTC
It might be worth looking at copies in other countries. There is Alibris as well.


ubiquirk January 11 2008, 03:26:39 UTC
Ooo - though your link gave me the lead I needed! That seller had both the pub year and the ISBN (I'd only had the cover to go by before).


electricalgwen January 9 2008, 07:05:00 UTC
Huh, you know, I never read the spray can? In fact, I'd been thinking it was a straw on Slushie-type drink (small res icon and obviously I never looked at it *that* closely! I just gave my husband (ergo me too ;) Ubik for Christmas.


ubiquirk January 11 2008, 03:28:36 UTC
I think it's way too small on my icon to make out the spray can, but I still giggled when I read slushie drink.

I hope you both enjoy - you'll have to tell me what you think.


laiksmarei January 9 2008, 12:12:51 UTC
*snort* Completely unadjectivey indeed! ;)

Ubik was an absolute joy to read. When I wasn't laughing at the dark humor, I was trying to distinguish between what was real and what was an illusion. The confusion was so thick at times, I almost needed to brush it away from my face. Just when you think you know what is or has happened, Dick blurs the lines even further.

I have a few used bookshops in town. I will gladly look for this particular edition for you, my friend.


ubiquirk January 11 2008, 03:32:07 UTC
Or overly adjectivey! (laughs) [Spell check hates me now.]

I do love how completely incomprehensible it is (and how he makes you think you've finally got it before pulling the rug out from under your feet).



saracen77 January 9 2008, 13:57:42 UTC
This may be a very strange thing to admit, but that icon is more you, to me, than the actual pictures of you I have seen...I see Ubi in my inbox, and my brain does a flash through party pics, lizard perching, then settles on the icon. I hope you take this admission in a good way, as my brain means it to be.

And I will look out over this side of the pond for you. All the chains are saying the 83 cover is out of print, so will have to be a second hand or jumble sale find. If I do, I will snap it up for you!


ubiquirk January 11 2008, 03:34:46 UTC
At least I'm interesting! I don't think that's strange. Half the time, even when I know a person's real name I still think of them by their lj name.

Thanks bunches!


spankulert January 9 2008, 20:17:40 UTC
...and here comes the dufus that has never even heard about this book before...


ubiquirk January 11 2008, 03:38:22 UTC
Not a dufus! Philip K Dick has a cult following, and you're more likely to see his influence on other people on how he'd always question what is reality (ie, The Matrix) instead of finding one of his books. The most famous movie made off of his work is Bladerunner, the next is Minority Report. Ubik is one of the weirdest he ever wrote.


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