Sick and 'Sicko'

Jul 09, 2007 09:31

I'm really glad I didn't have to go off to a conference this last weekend because it gave me time to rest and get a start at kicking a sinus infection.  How do I do so?  Well, for me, I spray a lot of zinc solution up my nose, take a homeopathic remedy, and take zinc lozenges to keep it from spreading to my throat.  Then I try to sleep as much as ( Read more... )

culture, politics

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ltgarrix July 9 2007, 16:47:11 UTC
I am truly saddened by our health care system. It's the haves and the have nots. There needs to be a decent safety net for those not insured. I will agree that I think for profit HMOs have helped create the problem.

As for the greater incidences of heart disease and diabetes, I attribute that to the obesity epidemic we have here in the US because folks don't make good food choices. Now, I'm sure that HMOs etc could do more in terms of preventative measures (such as offering nutrition clinics to educate folks that eating McD's every meal is not a good idea) and perhaps other incentives to live healthier.

I have seen where some companies (not the HMOs, the actually employer) are trying to penalize smokers and the obese with higher insurance rates. Personally, I think this is a good idea if someone's obesity cannot be attributed to something medical like thyroid.

I have heard that stats on infant mortality before. And I'm not surprised given the number of uninsured and poorer health of expectant mothers.

I guess I'm saying our system isn't great and needs help if not reform, but we the Americans can do more to help ourselves in terms of nutrition and exercise.


ubiquirk July 9 2007, 19:03:27 UTC
Oh, I agree - but preventative medicine is not a focus of our physicians. They get one semester of nutrition out of all of their years of schooling. And they are literally seduced by drug companies, so the mindset is to prescribe once a problem occurs. MDs are rewarded by giving sick people drugs. In England, however, the system is now set up to reward MDs who help their patients get healthier so that they won't need drugs.

And the for-profit HMO's are horrible - people die because they're denied care.


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