The Melamine Issue Grows Ever Worse

Apr 20, 2007 13:40

I cannot believe this!  It now turns out that the contaminated products may have been purposefully spiked with melamine because it would artificially make the materials show as having a higher protein content when tested.  Full article here.

Even if this has not entered the public food supply, isn't killing off pets through wanton greed bad enough?

[This is now a personal issue.  While Miso and Wasabi, my two cats, remain as yet unaffected, my sister just lost the cat she's had nine years.  Yes - she'd had Caesar for longer than my nieces have been alive.  And let me tell you, this was one of the sweetest cats I've ever met.  He was so loving and affectionate.  And she comes home one day to find him hiding under a table, too weak to move and mewing in distress.  Rushing him to the vet wasn't enough - he died of kidney failure, and he died utterly miserably.  The food she was feeding him has not been officially recalled, though other products by the same company have, but it has suspiciously disappeared off of store shelves.]

And what's worse?  Four companies have bought the tainted rice protein.  Only two have made public announcements and done a recall.  The other two haven't, and the FDA isn't saying who they are.  WTF???  Don't we have a right to know?  Who are you protecting here?  Oh, I forgot - big business.

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