
Jul 08, 2009 17:19

My wacky crossover Willow/Luna story ' And Now for Something Completely Different' is nominated at The Sunnydale Memorial Awards. Also, the Giles-centric ' Feet of Clay' is up for an award at fangfetish.


Also, still_grrr announced the winners for April, and the Jayne fic ' Too Much of a Miss' got first:

Thanks all around! I'm honored by the noms and the win! And the Jayne banner is just perfect!

BTW, Can't Stop the Serenity was great this year with a really good turn out. The younger fans in the audience went insane over Dr. Horrible. I loved seeing Serenity on the bigscreen, and it made me realize how much I miss Firefly all over again though. I wish there were a Firefly ficathon around. Really. Really. One that would kind of whack me upside the brainpan and get me to write something.

fanfic, firefly, btvs/ats

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