Memory {Shattered {Shattering

Dec 06, 2008 11:31

My last ficathon of the year!  Whee!

Warning:  several sentences were abused and fragmented in the making of this fic.

Title: Memory {Shattered {Shattering
Author: ubiquirk
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: PG
Genre: drama, angst
Word Count: ~1580
Characters: Willow, Dawn, flashes of Willow/Tara
Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.
Prompts: What are some of Willow's earliest memories of Dawn and/or how do they change when she knows they're false?
AN: Written for whichwillow 2008. Thanks to my fab beta, firefly_124. Set during the end of season 6. Lines of dialogue from “Two to Go” are by Doug Petrie.

Summary: A look inside Willow’s mind during “Two to Go.” When one of the people who made her feel special is gone, Willow lashes out at another.

Memory {Shattered {Shattering

fanfic, btvs/ats

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