Recs - Beta and Bday

Oct 05, 2008 20:38

I've been fortunate to beta lots of lovely stories:

First off, firefly_124's wonderful HP/BtVS crossover 'To Know Who I Am' is now up to chapter 22!  It's NC-17 het and a wonderful look at a way to blend the two verses.  Cast includes Minerva, Giles, Willow, Harry, Kennedy, and Xander.

Then, she's also posted the second chapter of her Snupin fic 'Turbulence,' which is rated PG and has great use of Hermione, Rose, and Teddy as well as the two men.  Lots of complex family relationship dynamics here.

She also wrote an NC-17 Hermione/Remus fic called ' Perfect.'  A very touching look at a first time that's got some great use of humor mixed in.

laiksmarei wrote ' A Stranger in Paradise,' which is an R-rated Hermione/Cedric story that's a very interesting and unique twist on a horror classic.

I also wanted to give shout-outs for some more lovely presents I got.

dickgloucester drew me a gorgeous portrait of Snape reading.

sc010f wrote me her first-ever Firefly drabble featuring the friendship between Kaylee and Inara.  It's adorable - find it here.

These are both wonderful - thank you so much!


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