
May 27, 2008 20:09

Having had an extra day off this weekend, I spent it being a geek extraordinaire instead of trying to grill something in weather that's been bouncing between already being 100 degrees or raining.  (The humidity will get ya either way.)

To wit, my friends and I had a variation on movie night by making it a night of short films/shows (many new for me ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

spikendru May 28 2008, 01:02:07 UTC
Have you seen this? A 3-year-old explains Star Wars on YouTube. Thought that would fit right in with your recent viewing.


ubiquirk May 28 2008, 01:13:45 UTC
Hee! Luke uses his light-up sword against the pokey ball! Thanks - I hadn't seen that one.


spikendru May 28 2008, 01:42:46 UTC
I thought it was adorable. Ah, a geek in the making - they're starting young now. And she really had the entire movie pretty much down pat. Tee hee!


ubiquirk May 28 2008, 01:59:13 UTC
She definitely had Darth Vader sorted! And the younger the better, I say.


firefly124 May 28 2008, 01:54:58 UTC
Sounds like it was a blast!


ubiquirk May 28 2008, 01:58:16 UTC
We laughed a lot!

Although I found it a little strange at one point - we're watching things that make fun of WoW addiction, even if in gentle ways, and one of the guys was a WoW addict. O_o


saracen77 May 28 2008, 11:22:30 UTC
Some good stuff there. I do like the Wallace and Gromit shorts too, although the kids seem to prefer Were-Rabbit... Have you seen the Creature Comforts shorts that Nick Park did? They were for an ad champagne back in the early nineties, and they were fantastic!

Sounds like you had a fun time!


ubiquirk May 30 2008, 01:49:58 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes the shorts better. Yes, I've seen them - all the people turned into animals! They're hilarious.

It was fun!


laiksmarei May 28 2008, 18:53:56 UTC
Yay!! I am so glad you finally got to see the RC shorts. They are great.

If you get some time, look for Star Wars Kid links on Youtube and WoW set to Avenue Q songs.


ubiquirk May 30 2008, 01:51:30 UTC
Robot Chicken was incredible!

I've seen the WoW 'The Internet's for Porn' one. I thought the unchanged Star Wars kid was kind of sad, but the one with effects didn't seem to make as much fun of him.


oh, speak about geek saschia May 28 2008, 23:51:14 UTC
I wanted to go to sleep earlier today, and now here I am, almost 2am local time, watching the Guild. Great... At least I know not to start playing WoW... Ever...
Well, I'll get some sleep on weekend...


Re: oh, speak about geek ubiquirk May 30 2008, 01:58:00 UTC
Heh - sorry about that! (Okay, only a little sorry.) I hope you enjoyed!


Re: oh, speak about geek saschia May 30 2008, 07:11:35 UTC
Oh, you don't have to be sorry... If I am stupid enough to browse the web instead of going to bed, than that's my fault ;o)
And of course I enjoyed it. Said the sad truth in funny words... Hope the next season comes pretty quickly.


Re: oh, speak about geek ubiquirk June 1 2008, 15:21:06 UTC
I like the way it captures the pros and the cons of gaming - that it can become an obsession, and yet at the same time, it might still be the best way for certain people to connect to others.

I've heard they might get sponsorship for season 2, which would mean they might be able to make it faster. I think we're seeing the birth of what TV will eventually be.


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