Recruit (7/9)

Jul 03, 2007 15:44

Fandoms: Buffy/HP
Canon Compliancy: Set in 2004; through Buffy season 8, issue 4; post-HBP
Pairing: Giles/Snape
Rating: NC-17, slash
Genre: Drama/Humor/Romance
Word Count: ~22K
Status: Complete; will be posted over July 2nd and 3rd

Summary: Slayers abounded, and even with new innovations in training and technology, the Watcher’s Council struggled to cope with the decimation of its ranks wreaked by the Bringers. Willow’s sudden return offered Giles the chance to discover much-needed new recruits. Yet nothing quite prepared him for one Severus Snape.

Previous: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6.

Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.

Thanks go to the wonderful
firefly_124, who betaed for me, and to the amazing
saracen77, who Brit-picked.

AN: Twilight appears to be the name of the next big bad that Buffy and gang are going to face. I won’t say more since I promised no major comic spoilers.

Chapter 7

A quick knock sounded at his office door before it opened and Buffy popped her head around its edge. “Hi, Giles. You wanted to talk about something?”

“Buffy, come in.” He smiled and waved her to a seat. “I’ve got good news. The report by Deng Xi has just arrived and I wanted to share the results.”

She perched eagerly on the front of the seat. “Good - we need something positive to say in the meeting next week before we explain about Twilight. Shoot.”

“The numbers determining the original Council’s statistics were correlated from the data of every Slayer up to 2003.” He cleared his throat. “Which includes you and your …”

“My death … deaths. Yeah, I get that. Go on.”

“Yes, well, Deng first looked at the incorporation of technology into our operations. She ran comparison studies between London, Berlin, and Rome, which are all using the simulators, versus the seven locations that aren’t. Andrew will be pleased to hear that there’s been a 17% increase in fighting ability due to his ‘babies.’ Further comparison of the Highland base versus the others indicates that Xander’s complex monitoring systems increase team response time by 22% and reduce injuries by 27%.”

When he looked up from the paper, she waved a hand at him to keep going.

“Next, it appears that turning the training of the newest Slayers over to the ones who’d gone to Sunnydale as Potentials is indeed working. With two of them at each base backed by a Watcher trained in the original methods, there’s been a 31% improved staking rate, 22% improved reflexes, 19% improved cross-bow abilities … it goes on from there.”

She nodded rapidly, saying, “Come on, Giles. I know you’re saving my stuff for last on purpose to be all suspensy guy, but it’s killing me!”

He grinned. “Finally, your new arrangement of having Slayers work in the field as teams appears to be the most successful change of all. Compared to pre-2003 data, the use of teams has reduced Slayer mortality by an amazing 79% and injuries by 53%.” He looked up. “Congratulations, Buffy. Your idea now not only sounds wonderful - it is wonderful.”

“Oh, Giles!” Her face became incandescent as she gave him one of her largest smiles. “Do you know how good it is to hear that? I mean after that last year in Sunnydale when I lost so many of them … to know that something I thought of can help …”

He smiled back, saying, “Well, then. You’ll also be happy with my last piece of information. All of these changes have an additional benefit. The new policies also foster less resentment from the young women - 69% reported being happy with their calling.” His grin turned slightly mischievous. “Hopefully that means no one will have to give me a stern talking to such as you gave Travers.”

Laughing, Buffy settled back into her chair. “Darn - I suppose that means I don’t get to throw any swords in here anytime soon.”

“No swords,” he said mock-sternly, wagging a finger. Yet he soon succumbed to laughter himself as hers rang once again through the room.

“So we’ll have the goods to show those remaining fuddy-duddies in the big meeting next week.”

“Indeed we shall.” He nodded, thinking of the dozen ‘old school’ Watchers left - the ones he had scattered around the world in an attempt to forestall any notions of a coup. “Indeed we shall.”


Rifling through Deng’s report again, Giles felt pleased that things were looking good for the full Council meeting next week - at least until he glanced up from his paperwork to view the small camp bed gracing the other side of his office.


Giles sighed and removed his glasses to pinch at the bridge of his nose. Snape had remained a surly bastard from Sunday night onward. If anything, he’d only got worse as Monday changed to Tuesday, which flowed into today, Wednesday.

Willow, bastion of good will and patience that she was, had only made it to Monday afternoon before she’d snapped. A quick pulse of magical anger had flowed through the wards and up his spine since they were tuned to let him know of any untoward occurrences. Giles still wasn’t sure as to exactly what had occurred between them, but with Willow no longer bearing the brunt of Snape’s ill will, it seemed everyone else was fair game.

Replacing his eyewear on his nose, Giles turned to the other folder on his desk - Snape’s.

Personal feelings aside, the work with Snape needed to succeed. Because he was more than a solitary recruit, no matter how powerful in and of himself - he was also their test subject for determining how likely it would be to recruit from the disaffected intelligentsia of the Wizarding world.

Snape was the perfect subject: extremely powerful and intelligent, as would be useful in a Watcher and researcher; half-Muggle, which implied less chance of culture shock; and an outcast from his kind who’d been alone for long enough to hopefully dread the thought of decades of such isolation.

If Snape didn’t work out, then it was doubtful any of the others they’d found scattered across the globe would. And Giles wasn’t sure where to find enough Watchers without those cast-off witches and wizards. Although it had been fairly easy to alter duties and embrace technology in a Council with only a few remaining original members, he still needed people to fulfill other roles - especially research. And now Willow’s return had offered a final solution to the largest remaining problem - how to find such people.

Closing the file with a sigh, he slid it into his magically-warded drawer before leaning back and rubbing at his neck. Administrative work is a right pain - it was easier to fight demons personally.

It was at least more enjoyable.

He looked at the bed again. As the vision of a snarling Snape arose in his mind, Giles thought, Although I could say that I have been fighting a demon - a human one.

And yet he missed the man. Returning home hadn’t been quite the same these last few nights. Even though Willow and Buffy had stayed in, and Giles had enjoyed visiting with them, he missed the companionship someone his own age offered. I’m sure that’s the only reason, a dark voice snickered inside his mind.

Looking at his watch to see it was a quarter past six, Giles stood, feeling the muscles of his back and legs stretch. He had just rounded his desk when the door to his office flew open so forcefully that it bounced and closed again without any further impetus necessary.

And there Snape appeared before him, Muggle clothes highlighting his lean form - the black trousers and dark green shirt fitted and flattering. Bastard - has to get nasty just when he finally looks good, Giles snarked to himself.

“Giles.” Snape walked towards him, long legs making rapid, distance-eating strides, so that he soon stood within arm’s length.


“I have succeeded.”


Instead of answering directly, Snape held out his right hand palm up.

Mouth open to ask another question, Giles noted the pursed lips and indented brow of the other man and chose not to interrupt Snape’s concentration.

Watching with fascination, Giles noticed a small spark of light form above the extended palm. As it slowly grew larger, it became clear that it wasn’t simply light - it was a whirling maelstrom of color - sunshine yellow shot through with veins of red, blue, green, all obliterated temporarily by the occasional pulse of black. The size of the swirling ball stabilized at that of a pomegranate.

Snape’s face wore a complex expression of effort and triumph, his lips pulled back in a rather wide grin.

“What is it?” Giles asked.

“It is … it is a small extrusion of my magical essence - my true magical essence not channeled by an external force.”

“And what does it -”

Giles was cut off when Snape’s grin turned rather feral just as he rotated his hand to push the ball of energy directly into Giles’s chest, palm coming to rest on sternum.

His heart leaped, its beat racing yet strong, blood coursing through his limbs to leave a tingling wake that pulsed, pulsed, pulsed. Hair raised along the skin of his body, an electric wash of sensation that pooled in his groin - the skin tightening from cock to base of spine. He felt harder than he’d been in years, his erection full-sprung and aching.

Dear Lord, it’s like … it’s like when Eyghon possessed me, rode my body as its own. His cock twitched. And rode Ethan’s body through mine.

Eyes opened, or sight returned, Giles suddenly saw Snape before him. A Snape who grinned with hot, dark eyes. A Snape whose hand slid up Giles’s chest to brush against the bare skin of his neck, causing a resonant flow of magic back and forth across the skin-to-skin connection.

Growling low in his throat, Giles fisted his hands in the material of the dark man’s shirt and dragged him forward until erection met erection and teeth clacked in a first rough kiss.

Lips bruising in their intensity, teeth nipping, the two men devoured each other’s mouths - both sparring with tongues for supremacy, and neither seeming to mind that both won the match.

Hands roaming cloth-covered flesh weren’t enough, and Giles began ripping at buttons to feel the magical resonance that coursed through their touching skin. Sliding a palm across Snape’s chest, the rasp of hair sparked across Giles’s skin, and he moaned into the other man’s mouth before biting at Snape’s lower lip.

Fingers tugged at the hem of his jumper, and Giles pulled back and raised his arms so that the offending garment could be lifted off of him and tossed aside.

Sliding his own hands into Snape’s gaping shirt, Giles wrapped his arms around him and dragged him close so that skin connected from waist to mouth. His hips jerked forward, and Giles did nothing to suppress the desire to thrust, repeating the motion time and again, pulses of tingling sensation flowing through his cock every time pressure increased.

Snape pulled back gasping and dropped suddenly to his knees, clawing at the fastenings of Giles’s trousers.

As the material pooled around his ankles, Giles enjoyed the sudden sensation of his erection hanging heavy with arousal.

Then Snape’s tongue slid across his tip, and he had to place a hand on the edge of the desk as his knees threatened to buckle. When that hot mouth encompassed the head of his cock, a jolt of fire ran through him sparking from tongue to cock to spine. His eyes closed, and he hissed, “Yes.”

Magic consumed him, ebbing with the pull of Snape’s mouth, swirling with each swirl of the man’s tongue. It crackled from the fingertips digging into his hips. It snapped in a circuit when he reached out to twine his fingers through that black hair, thumb brushing against the skin of Snape’s forehead.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” he groaned as he watched his cock slide in and out of the dark man’s mouth.

It was exquisite.

It was overwhelmingly the best thing he’d felt in twenty years.

It wasn’t enough.

“Take yourself out,” Giles husked, voice barely working. “I want to see you.”

Hands slid from his hips to unbutton dark trousers, pushing the material aside. Snape’s cock lay heavy in his hand, hard from magic and excitement. As the other man began to stroke himself, sliding foreskin back to run thumb across the pre-come slicked head, he moaned around Giles’s erection.

Fucking hell! Giles’s hips pumped forward involuntarily at that added sensation, heat washing over him and tightening his sac. When his eyes opened again, he noted that Snape’s eyes had narrowed to a glare at almost being strangled, but since he didn’t stop sucking on Giles’s cock, Giles grinned and found it hard to care.

And still it wasn’t enough.

Memories from two decades ago told him he had to do more to close the circuit fully - to maximize the flow of magic between them. Growling, Giles drove the other man back and followed him down.

Once on the floor, he pushed at the other man’s trousers, shoving them to down to his calves. He then captured the dark man’s lips, longing to taste himself on another - a delight too long foregone. Closing one hand around Snape’s cock, Giles began stroking it, paying especial attention to the head at the end of each stroke, adding a twist of the wrist that had Snape’s hips pumping up off of the floor.

Smiling into the kiss, Giles began to pull away, but not before Snape bit at Giles’s lower lip, eyes dark and daring. The magic fluttered as a base-line awareness between them.

Giles moved until his mouth hovered over the other man’s twitching erection. Yet instead of immediately paying attention to such, he buried his nose in the dark hair beside it, breathing in the musk of Snape’s arousal and feeling his own cock twitch at the thrill that shot through him at the scent.

Smell wasn’t enough - he wanted taste as well.

Keeping his tongue flat and broad, he licked a slow line from balls to tip, watching the dark eyes the entire time, enjoying the expression of pleasure crossing Snape’s face. Pausing to blow a cool stream of air across the wetness, Giles grinned at Snape’s moan before turning it into a deep groan by taking the man’s head in his mouth. Bitter and salt and metal burst across his tongue, and he lapped at the taste, unable to get enough. The magic began coursing strongly between them again, shooting from Snape’s cock straight down Giles’s spine and pooling heavy in his groin.

And as if the magic maneuvered both of them, they were turning and shifting and suddenly …

It was perfect.

There existed only the cock in his mouth and the heat of Snape’s mouth around his cock.

Magic pulsed in a continuous flow from cock/mouth, down spine, through cock/mouth, via spine over and over and over again. There was no beginning and no end. He breathed and sucked in Snape and was consumed in turn. And each circuit of the energy climbed a little higher, each lap of tongue a little more exquisite, each hollowing of cheeks a little more intense. The din of moans and slurps and his racing heart thundered in his ears, overlaid by a humming buzz of power. The room began to glow, or perhaps only Snape’s pale skin, which was all Giles could see - all he wanted to see.

Then with one last tightening of Snape’s throat muscles around him, he came, hips jerking uncontrollably, energy shooting from his spine through his balls and out his cock to flash through Snape and shoot into him again as come filled his mouth and Snape’s energy coursed down his spine. Golden light hazed his eyes. The humming buzz roared in his ears. He felt he could come forever, tingling jolts of electricity playing his nerves over and over as he rode the pleasure.


An untold time later, discomfort finally overcame lethargy as the ache in Giles’s right hip protested louder than the soreness of the rest of his muscles. He lifted his head slightly from Snape’s thigh and felt the other man shift in response - fingers tightening on his thighs before suddenly releasing as Snape rolled away onto his back.

Giles mimicked him and spread out supine, unwilling to expend the effort to make any muscle defy gravity. He felt as if he’d been pummeled by a herd of Fyarl demons - angry Fyarl demons, even though using angry as an adjective for them was a bit redundant.

Groaning as a twitch caused his left leg to burn with muscle strain, he said, “Warn a bloke the next time you want to have magically enhanced sex, would you.”

A rough chuckle from Snape turned into a soft gasp. After a few moments, the other man rumbled, “I was unaware it had such consequences.”

“Yes, well, I think I repressed remembering the full aftereffects myself.”

“So you’ve done this before.”

“Not this exactly - but something very similar - something with many more … consequences than sore muscles and fatigue.”

Snape grunted.

“And you?” he asked.

“No. Never this. Wand-based magic doesn’t allow for such. I must admit it was a rather … instinctive action on my part.”

Yes, I suppose one can refer to libido as an instinct, Giles snickered to himself.

Hissing, Snape maneuvered until he lay beside Giles head-to-head and toe-to-toe, reaching out until the back of their hands touched, a faint trickle of awareness seeping through. “And I am unclear as to why I … resonate with you when it does not feel as if you have much power.”

Looking over at Snape, Giles smiled wanly. “I’ve never had much power - enough to do basic spells, but no more - yet I’ve always been a good channel. Eyghon, a demon, used to prefer possessing me, claiming I accepted him most fully.” He shifted his hand to press it more firmly to Snape’s. “Willow says I have a magical core just waiting to be filled, even if I can’t do so myself.”

“Just waiting to be filled, eh?” There was that smirk.

Giles couldn’t contain his bark of laughter, even as much as it hurt his aching body. “Aren’t you the randy one?”

Snape’s smirk faded as his lips thinned and brow furrowed. “As you noted, I have been alone for years … for longer even than you imagine.”

Time to lighten the mood again. “Well, I have no problem with randiness - it’s been quite some time for me as well. Although I would like to try it on a decent bed and without any magic.” He reached out to run a hand down Snape’s chest, twirling fingers through the hair that thickened at the juncture of thighs. “Or at least without any additional magic.”

“You are not afraid it will be rather … insipid after this?”

“Oh.” Giles grinned as he felt Snape’s cock twitch slightly against his fingers. “I think we’ll manage.”

AN: On to Chapter 8.

ch - buffy, ch - giles, ch - severus, ch - willow, fic - recruit, ch - xander, genre - romance/sex, fandom - hp slash, fandom - crossover, fandom - btvs slash, genre - drama, genre - humor

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