Statistics about Spike

Jun 21, 2012 22:00

Found out this morning some curious statistic about the current popularity within the Buffyverse

Buffy The Vampire Slayer facebook page - with more than 1.3 million likes -  asks: Who was your favorite character in Buffy?
Until now there are over 20,000 comments
I've scientifically Ctrl+F these mentions:

Fav characterlikes of the Qcounted commentsout of21-Jun-12217071011420474

Someone with better computer and internet connection should do the full count, search for different spelling, nicknames and actor's names

I love Spike, but I'm absolutely stoned with these numbers. We're in 2012, almost 10 years after the show ended.

Also, I hope this post will help with his "Debunking a widespread fandom myth about Spike, and a theory on why it gained so much traction"

buffyverse, statistics, spike

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