wow i havent updated in a long time, i've hardly been online, and if i have, i've been mostly on myspace. sorry. if you want to check mine out my link is there ya go. umm leave me some comments, but that is if you have a login name yourself, you cant post unless you do, sorry ! we.. any ways, schoo. goes back tomorrow and i DONT want to go. for all i know, xmas break hasnt even started ! and i dont want to go back to school so i can start reviewing for damn MIDTERMS ! i hate them. guuhhh.. lets see.. i had a GREAT break, i got to hang with friends, see my family for once, be with kyle nearly every day, GO SHOPPING! wow it seems like its only been a few days since we've been at school. partially because im not up for enough of the day to consider it a full day ! haha, i stay up til like 1:30am every day and sleep in til 12;30-1pm every day. the other day i slept til 4 haha. so lately ive been haveing some major pains in my back, its been about a month and a half now, and it hurts to sit, stand, and lay down. jeeze. im going to the doctor on tuesday, woopie. so yeah, theres my complaint of the day! wow, well im off to go myspace myself, and listen to some music. comment if you want! . shaunna