The Kind of thing that only amuses people like me.

Mar 10, 2010 16:16

-last one this week - Promise.

However, Schlafly has expressed dissatisfaction with the modern GOP. Though she has not been actively involved in the neoconservative/paleoconservative schism, her positions on many issues resemble those of a paleoconservative. Like Patrick J. Buchanan, whom she supported for the 1996 GOP nomination, she contends that President George W. Bush

"has muddied up the meaning of conservative." Schlafly writes, "Bush ran as a conservative, but he has been steadily (some might say stealthily) trying to remold the conservative movement and the Republican Party into the Bush Party. And the Bush Party stands for so many things alien to conservatism, namely, war as an instrument of foreign policy, nation-building overseas, highly concentrated executive power, federal control of education, big increases in social entitlements, massive increases in legal and illegal immigration, forcing American workers to compete with low-wage foreigners (under deceptive enticements such as free trade and global economy), and subordinating U.S. sovereignty to a North American community with open borders."

From the wiki article

These yahoos then went on to support his policies because it’s a polarized country. You know how it goes "If our President wants it and the other guys don’t, then it must be the right thing to do."

We are becoming a nation of close minded, hypocrites.

bush, politics

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