Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't

Jul 30, 2008 15:13

My neutering is scheduled for Sept 24th, two days after my birthday if that holds any significance. I was told I’ll need to buy some tidy-whities for extra support on the way home and that I’ll need to get a ride. Since schools will be back in session my wife will be working. I’m not really sure how I ask someone to drive for that one. Its not something you ask your Mom or Dad to show up for. ..Hmmmm... Interesting problem.

Not related - Headache season starts in three weeks, the facial tension thing has already started, so I began taking my initial verapmil dose of 120mg yesterday. In 12 days I’ll be up to 480 mg of verapmil and 1000 mg of Depakote per day until December. If that fails to block the pain add a liter of scotch/week or Morphine for the really bad nights. Well Canadian whiskey anyway. I'm too cheap to buy real Scotch.

health, headaches

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