Feels like summer

Apr 02, 2003 21:27

Spoke to Cart on the phone today. She was driving on her way to MA to give a deposition. We talked for about 20 minutes, about her kids, family and job. We know each other very well and both can communicate paragraphs with a few words and change of tone. We can still do that. I finally tried brining up her new husband, since she never speaks about him. Was like pulling teeth, I knew she wasn’t renewing contact after 18 months just for small talk.. She didn’t directly criticize him, but complained about his working too much, and how she seems to always seems to pick men that aren’t available to her in some way. I tried to encourage her, telling her he must be a pretty smart guy and all she had to do was talk to him.. I’m sure he’d make it right. She told me she didn’t want to talk about it and asked me to change the subject. Funny, how things change. Do you know all I could really do was wish they work it our and be happy? She left my life three years ago and is a wonderful memory, that’s all I want her to be.

Kicked a few people in the pants, getting them to sign up for the Pub Crawl in November. Even gave Daw a hard time about it, but this was more out of selfishness then any realistic expectation. Tony, Steve, Matt, and Luther signed on . 5 more days in Ireland. Steve told me he may bring his GF, that’d be great. Haven’t met her yet and she’s been around for a while now.

Tony’s big party for his GF Lisa is Saturday. 100+ people and a band. Should I bring my camera or just flit around?

cart, friends, dating

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