Protect me....

Mar 30, 2003 01:55

…from shallow and/or gold digging women. Fortunately, with our culture currently making jokes at every turn about how clueless and stupid men are, I can pretend I don’t notice when someone is hitting on me.

Much has happened the past 24. Too tired to elaborate now though. How about a quick outline?

1) Met Heather, the young bimbo, that my lifelong friend Bruce left his wife and two kids for last year. I told him he was a selfish prick when he did it. He did get back with Lori, and if she can forgive him. Who am I to judge? After meeting Heather, I am seriously thinking about slapping him across the head. There was nothing there, save youth. He risked his kids emotional health for that?

2) Ran into Cheryl, ( a woman I dated earlier this year) tonight. She is a something, but there’s no chemistry there at all once we speak. I really want that ‘click;’…..Its all or nothing…... Can tell she feels the same blah-way. Maybe we will become friends eventually?

3) Jadis_eoc is awesome. She’s giving me all kinds of clues about where to look on LJ and told her friends to check me out. Really appreciated! It does look to be dominated by kids whining about how much their life sucks.

4)Faith brought a date with her, a guy she met on an Internet dating service that live 120 miles from here. He was hilarious, although he wasn’t trying to be funny. Just overbearing and crude. She seemed to like him, maybe he was just boytoy? I didn’t ask.

5)I need to get to the gym tomorrow!

G’ Night…………

friends, dating, lj

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