May the wind always be at your back.

Apr 04, 2005 08:27

In the June of 2003 I was driving my 86 year old Great Aunt Christina from Sligo ( Ireland) to her sisters house in Drumfin when she leaned over to me and said “ You know its sad, all of these molestation cases going on in your country. I think we can expect to see the church change its views on marriage for priests when we have a new Pope.

I was charmed that someone so advanced in their years could still be open to change and agreed with her. The celibacy rule won’t hold out another century if the church is to survive.

This past weekend Pope John Paul II died after years of lingering on. Fighting age and Parkinson’s disease . I for one am glad that his suffering is over. I didn’t agree with many of his views, I doubt I have spent more then 5 minutes a year thinking about him, and I’m sure some of you feel the same, but I have to admire the man and the life he lived. The efforts he made almost his entire life to improve his piece of the world can’t be ignored. If you have the inclination I do recommend reading his biography so you can see what I’m talking about.

I’ve seen a lot of people are angry or annoyed by all the attention his death is getting. It is overwhelming ( that’s why we have remote controls), on the other hand I don’t give a damn. Religious beliefs aside we’ve lost one of the better world leaders we have had in my lifetime. I can let go of my own customized set of beliefs long enough to reflect on what a single person can do over the course of their life, if they have the will and the perseverance.

catholics, ireland

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