In Which I Resurface

Mar 05, 2010 12:26

So, I've been a bit quiet on this thing recently. There's no suspicious or interesting reason for this - I just haven't been having adventures*. I made the mistake of telling my boss when I finished uni for the year, and found myself working pretty much from that date up until the week before classes kicked off again. As such, I haven't done anything that doesn't involve mind-numbing bureaucracy**. I did do this:*** but that was pretty much the sum total of my creative output for the last couple of months. Like Herr Starr says, it's less than epic.****

*Well, there was that time we wound up in the sculpture garden at midnight in the middle of a storm, but you already know about that.
**For which I'd refer you to capnoblivious 's 'True Tales of the Public Service', where he gets his white-collar-Indiana-Jones on.
***There's probably a way to make that neater, but I can't be bothered right now.
****Because it's always time for gratuitious Preacher quotes.
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