What's the matter, never see a hypocrite before?

Jun 02, 2010 16:09

Alright, so after trolling through a lj community where they provide downloads of television shows, I decided to download Glee.

I normally watch NCIS & NCIS:LA on Tuesdays, but with those in repeats, I figured I needed something else to amuse me for the next week or so.

It started with realizing that if I watched Glee as if I had ADD (ie: skipping around the downloaded episodes looking for bits with characters/musical numbers I like) that there are things that draw my interest. After sprinting my way through the episodes that have been released, I'm working on going back and actually watching entire episodes.

As it stands, there are a handful of characters I'm sick of, even from the pieces that I've seen. I'm surprised that a show that seems to be built perfectly for an ensemble cast has characters that are apparently the "stars" of the club and of the show. I'm sick of Rachel and Finn. I'm sorry. I know they are "important" but I really don't care. Finn is supposed to be The Golden Boy (tm) but there isn't any reason for me to see him as such. He seems to be a marginal athlete and a good singer, but I have heard better. And quite frankly, Mike Cheng is more physically appealing to me than Finn.

Yes, Rachel is talented, but so are Mercedes, Tina, Quinn, Santana, and Brittany. Hell, if you need a soprano Kurt rocks. I don't know why we need Rachel to be diva-ing it up in our faces almost every week.

I can handle a lot of the stupid mistakes on the part of the students because they are all supposed to be about 16 years old, and no one is freaking brilliant at that age. Hell, the part of the brain that is able to fully comprehend consequences isn't even fully formed until about 25 years of age. I would just like the characters to be a bit more fleshed out.

BTW: Kurt's dad is freaking amazing. I'm glad Mike O'Malley is in a role that allows him to be more than the staple "stupid husband" in a sitcom.


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