Why was I up until 6 rapping against Sarana who cannot defend herself against the verbal onslaught?

Oct 30, 2005 12:03

The Stylatollah: The Stylatollah: I cut mc's like old pasta, the MC every MC's lost ta, got more stories than Paul Austa and kick the data longer than the Mahabhrata

The Stylatollah: LDK: MCs is hermits and I'm the vagabond beata, I spit religious text like the bhagavad gita

The Stylatollah: LDK: I move more snow than Denver's seen, I got these hoes on their toes like they ben vereen

Sarana: they are actually quite good

The Stylatollah: The Stylatollah: I hit the spleen, got a routine, Soylent Green is fakers.  Tear em up and square em up, then tupperware them til my next seder

LDK: I hear that soylent shit, my mic is made out of people, if my body is a temple, then my flow is the steeple

The Stylatollah: That shit is mad fecal, I crush it into soylent treacle, baby bubba it's all legal when you know the right people

Sarana: are you going to an 8 Mile?

The Stylatollah: that was a few hours ago though

The Stylatollah: hellz no

The Stylatollah: I used to do some battle rapping in junior high school

The Stylatollah: and high school

The Stylatollah: and occasionally against friends

The Stylatollah: in fact, this

Sarana: but you should do it in front of other people

The Stylatollah: actually, odd story,

The Stylatollah: sexy-voice Dave and I used to battle rap all the time

The Stylatollah: I was way out of practice freestyling, and he was just starting

The Stylatollah: We could get on these weird tangents of rhyming

The Stylatollah: one night, some people at the coffee shop we hung out at invited us to theirs for a party

The Stylatollah: We were going around the party battlerapping, because there was a DJ

The Stylatollah: and we rapped about all sorts of random things

The Stylatollah: anyway, we go up to this buff guy with a shaved head, and started telling him, in rhyme, to bust one about World War II

The Stylatollah: and dude goes off on this crazy ass freestyle about the different military strategies, it's all on beat and flows well

The Stylatollah: Turns out his grandfather was a POW in Germany, and dude has his diary

Sarana: wow

Sarana: and he was a good rapper!

Sarana: ?

The Stylatollah: yes, he was a total MC as well

Sarana: cool

Sarana: did you keep in touch with him?

The Stylatollah: no

The Stylatollah: He was nice...and Portland's pretty small that way, so if I want to get into the hip hop scene here, I can probably find him

The Stylatollah: Speaking of which, I finally found it

The Stylatollah: http://www.livejournal.com/users/uberuberhip/9680.html#cutid1

Sarana: what is this/

Sarana: ?

The Stylatollah: Well, Chris (our friend, he lived here over the summer, but at this point I didn't know him) wrote a post that Kirk dissed, then Chris dissed Kirk, and they started rhyming, and Kirk enlisted Dnaiel and I to smack Chris with devastating rhymes out of nowhere

The Stylatollah: so we did

Sarana: you guys are quite good

Sarana: even though you're white


The Stylatollah: Even out of practice I'm matchless, use chump mc's as matches and fire them off as warning dispatches for the masses

The Stylatollah: you going to respond to that?

Sarana: i'm, sure you are

Sarana: ummm

Sarana: probably

Sarana: the thing is i really have to see how you put them down in person

Sarana: it's not very much use being good on paper

The Stylatollah: Slow on the rhymes slow on the typing, Sarana's MC skills aren't reliable MC'ing or skyping

Sarana: yeah ok

Sarana: i know that poo head

Sarana: (see good come back don't you think)

The Stylatollah: Is it the right thing for her to verbally assault the mic king?  It is frightnening, I looking like a verbal-crazed viking

The Stylatollah: Now she's spitening, but that is so inviting, sighting the sore spot that I hit up with forget-me-nots

The Stylatollah: Let me rock another rhymes, I won't baby you, I'm not Benny Spock, she hasn't heard Biggie or any Pac so I have plenty to shock

The Stylatollah: I can let a penny drop and she will have nothing to say, or maybe that's just the British way, no wish to fray or piss to take

The Stylatollah: I ache for her abuse, but it's just no use

Sarana: wow

Sarana: i like that

Sarana: its quite sexy

The Stylatollah: she's all busy getting loose with the juice and gin

The Stylatollah: I can throw deuces and win, without a nuisance to pin

The Stylatollah: I crush her rhymes liike a moose crush a hen, this UK export seems soon to descend, you're the papoose in the pen and there is no excuse defensible

Sarana: hello?

The Stylatollah: so be sensible and stop actin all reprehensible, because your rhymes are mad dispensible and barely comprehensible, you may be mensa, but in the contaext of your rhymes that seems immensanable

The Stylatollah: unmensanable

The Stylatollah: pardon

The Stylatollah: so

Sarana: well that's really shown me

The Stylatollah: nowthat I have rocked you with a fierce rhyme, what is your response

Sarana: i ain't gonna be able to sho head face nowhere now

The Stylatollah: at least not in an MC competition

Sarana: my

Sarana: face

The Stylatollah: I'm sure people want to see your face elsewhere

Sarana: where?


Sarana: they are not

Sarana: AND i live in Hackney where most on the rapping comes from

Sarana: so get yo' pink ass down here brovver

Sarana: ahhh

The Stylatollah: Rhymes from Hackney are Hackneyed, you cannot use that to attack me, will I fuck them up verbally? gladly. do they need it? badly.  how will they leave the battle? sadly, cos they got more Bad Seeds than Henry's Dream

The Stylatollah: any gleam of hope is deranged when I bring the cultural exchange that leads only to extinction, except when it brings me distinctions

Sarana: i read your hackney rhyme to people here

Sarana: they thought it was funny too

The Stylatollah: People hear me, their vision gets bleary, it gets more piercy than Marge when I get fiercely peerless, and hence fearless when I have to quash the rap equivalent or terciary syphilis.  You belittle this but this is pivotal shit your dicking with

Sarana: dude aren't you tired?

Sarana: your rapping does get better with the burgeoning dawn

The Stylatollah: I walk on my feet and I make suckers balk at the heat, I caulk you to defeat just by talking in my sleep

Sarana: i am going to record this for posterity so when you become a famous rapper i can sell it for lots of money

Sarana: can you do some more raps about me?

The Stylatollah: Sarana fawns to my power, I shower on the disses and she blows kisses, doesn't even rethink becoming the Mrs.  This is crazy but mad understandable, I mean don't women see strong mandibles as commendible?

The Stylatollah: It's kind of like an in-house Cyrano mixed with the Sopranos, but built like Ivanhoe, and in high demand for cameos

The Stylatollah: Vanity? oh yes, that has been handed me, helps when you have a galaxy of fallacies postulated by wack mc's.  It doesn't tax me, but I often feel like it's a sissyphean task, and there are 5 new wack mc's where I just slaughtered the last.  But this vast expanse of wackness is my manifest destiny to conquer and submit to my most detested needs these mcs that are a pest to me

The Stylatollah: They fall like leprosy parts, and that tests the heart, not to mention messy to cart off after they attempt a pesky Karamazov on the mic Mr. Blast-Off, when they shoulda been taking their hats off

The Stylatollah: Even when I'm sleeping, I'll be still freaking, and if they hear me in Peking, it will not be a freak thing to see the city writhing when I'm speaking, because they're all peaking

The Stylatollah: ok, I'm going to sleep now

The Stylatollah: really this time

Sarana: wow

Sarana: thanks

The Stylatollah: the Pekinese peak with ease, from fricking and fricaseeing, I speak these things because they're freaking pleasing, that is why I cannot stop skeezing

The Stylatollah: ok ok

The Stylatollah: no really

The Stylatollah: I have to go

Sarana: ok good night

The Stylatollah: REMing instead of IDMing, stupid dieters be phenfenning, that's the setuup to a bad ending while I go on for extra innings

The Stylatollah: spinning and spinning, it's a spitting in the wind thing, if Lavenda were here he'd be singing ying tiddle I po until I started hemrrhaging

Sarana: GO TO BED

The Stylatollah: but leveraging that against the current property value adds nothing new to the tally that I put on the valley earlier when my thoughts were pearlier, now they're all twirlier and the way they unfurl isirksome

The Stylatollah: Say this to yourself, "I AM A PERSON" yes now I am dispersing, yes now it's a dispersion instead of a diversion, and I blame this incursion on the worstening of the hour, I should probably just shower and go to the office and be dour

The Stylatollah: now or never, Sam Sever produced 3rd Bass and it was 1st rate, so much I masturbated to it, but I was like twelve so how the hell can society judge me?  they get all uppy and judgy and I get all grudgy while they are fuddy duddy.  Rad Budley is the name on my myspace, that is the right place, but I'd rather eat at a Thai place, my grace, I have a message from the wobbler, who used to be a rhyme cobbler, but now his rhymes are knob gobblers

The Stylatollah: Don't bother her, Sarana has company, this flunky sea of monkey words are going dunky dunky

Sarana: dunky dunky

The Stylatollah: and are all wonky, they smack of wack and honkey.  They are from my double album Songs in the Key of Stpuid, a symhony in fourteen bowel movements

The Stylatollah: That is some Home Improvement shit right there.  You need to adapt to the attunement and your appreciation will start its bloomment

The Stylatollah: you will va-va-voom it, stylists will Vidal Sasson it, and all the pundits will be on my unit right before they national lampoon it

The Stylatollah: But I will Cocoon it and it will live forever with Walter Brimley, even though after awhile I fear he'll get Von Himmlery and I will have to write a request for immunity to Hillary

The Stylatollah: My rhyme stiyle this hour is spillory, kinda mental fillery, I unclog my head and it spills ills with ease, very dillweed but still needed

The Stylatollah: I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED.  That should be repeated.  Tell the media so people will read it.  They can ask me for other quotes but I will never cede it.

The Stylatollah: I take my grouse and I am burning down the house.  It is cute but it is hellish kinda like Jim Henson's Faust

Sarana: my grouse?

The Stylatollah: Wendell, where's my cheddar?  I thought I set it on the dresser.  How am I going to buy the box set of Ledbetter?  I am so goddamn upsetter than yester

The Stylatollah: day, when I was half the band I used to lead, now there is no excuse to read, I should be cooking goose and mead and lying on the beaches in some fuschia breeches, yes I am familiar with the teaches of Peaches, and they are not too far from my reaches

The Stylatollah: or clutches, other scholars have taught me bupkiss, I hate to interupt this, but people can't see me like Sunffleupagus, they're all like, "who the fuck that is?"

The Stylatollah: And I introduce myself as Reginald, put them all to bed in hell, then go do some kiss and tell, and be branded an infidel

The Stylatollah: Just because of my infidelities.  Ah, but they were such delicacies!  I did them while I watched The Pelican Brief, and maybe the Toronto Maple Leafs, usually just before I went to sleep

The Stylatollah: Chief, I admit it was my wife who queefed.  You got beef, then say it please.  I want there to be some indemnity you guarantee in the next letter you send to me

The Stylatollah: My savings---spend them please!  I have no time for these amenities!  Let's go get some bugers at Wendy's and then soak our frosties with Grenadine

The Stylatollah: That Ketamine!  I'll have to take less than deemed beforehand, but that's O.K. for this type of scene.  Stupid hipsters! I have gotten with your mother.  Now Franz Ferdinand doesn't make you hip no more.  You bite so much your lip is sore, I play some Boz Scaggs, you hit the door.  Maybe it will come back in style, I figure that will take a while, I will have to market, sell, and hustle, just so people will appreciate Lido Shuffle

Sarana: don't tell me you are still here!?

The Stylatollah: And that's the lowdown.  I eat some jojos at the hodown.  Don't let the sun go down on Boz Scagg's renown, he has too much artistic talent to cold be clowned

The Stylatollah: You still want to sample his funky basslines.  I talk to you no more, hipster waste-of-time!

Sarana: hey~! that's not fair!

The Stylatollah: Say some lines about Ralph fucking Fiennes.  You will toe the line and thn go to mine

The Stylatollah: And you will leave when I turn on Hanson, and say "I'm going home to jerk off to pics of Shirley Manson"  And that is old like Ted Danson.  And tat shit is as out of the way as Jantzen

The Stylatollah: These records lay! In your front room!  All weak shit in!  your front room!  The mystery's not!  In your front room (duhduhduhduh) Pearl Jam's not a great band

Pearl Jam's not a great band

Pearl Jam's not a great band

Pearl Jam's not a grea-eat band
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