Aug 19, 2003 19:18
so l1ke 2day me and muh peepz went on down 2 tha mall. wuz totally awesome. then theze thugz all wanted 2 g1t up 1n our sh1znt...and 1 wuz all l1ke newayz. then we h1t kfc..ch1cken 1z tha bomb! r1te now 1 gotz ta call tyrone, h1z niggaz are h1tt1n tha car washz ton1te. gonna be k1llerz! peece out hom1ez! 1'll leve you wit da words of da mastah...
B1tchez a1nt sh1t but hoz and tr1ckz
Lemme pull out my d1ck and 1ma nut 1t on your t1tz