Oct 26, 2006 00:30
So we got a lease on an apartment the other day, but can't move in yet, due to the Air Force taking their sweet ass time to get the money to us, so now we have just tonight to get the hell out of the scummy back stabbing hotel on base ( We could stay longer but after you dump about $1,000 into a hotel it's time to leave). I start working at Safeway in North Pole Saturday, Safeway is like Publix. It's an easy job that I've done in the past and requires little effort on my part. Other than that all is eh. As soon as we get into our apartment things should get better.
Also I found out when I went to change my cell number that, even though I was told by the RadioShack guy that AK was covered, AK is not covered by Cingular. So, I have been using some other company's tower since I've been here. Now they're saying that they will be sending a letter that states they have to disconnect my service. Now, the best part about all of this is that:
A: Cingular is canceling the contarct not me.
B: I don't have to pay any fees for this cancelation.
C: I'll get my deposit back.
D: Get to keep my phone.
So pretty much wait it out till I get this notice and then switch over to the local service up here =)
That's pretty much everything for now...
Ohhh, it's cold and there's snow... I love it!