I am in favor of merging ASD diagnoses.
What I am not in favor of is trading one form of rigidity for another.
Imagine how this will be used against people's best interests!
"I'm sorry, Level 1's don't qualify for this."
"I'm sorry, Level 3's can never do that."
"I'm sorry, Level 2's are so fucking impossible to work with at all!"
Furthermore, what happens when people can't be pegged into one category?
If you think it won't happen to most, you're wrong.
According to this, I'm a Level 0 - 2 who used to be a Level 1 - 3.
What's that supposed to mean???
Another issue is that these categorizations do not cover the main problems for many people, myself included.
What is the purpose of choosing only certain aspects of diagnostic criteria to determine "levels"?
And what's more, a person's ability to "pass" for typical does not necessarily determine shit.
What defines "passing", anyway?
I think of how very differently my husband and I come across. Who passes better depends on what people you ask!
Guys, what the bonkity fuck?
Feel free to take the image. Hell, please do. I saved the proposed criteria from the DSM-V website and simply macro'd it.