The internet is such a crazy place! I sometimes wonder: "Since I've spent so much time making my
website, does anyone ever actually look at it?" It turns out the answer is yes. I got an email from a guy in
Austria at the
University of Linz. He's doing a project on license plate recognition, and wanted some links to some papers on the topic. He found the
website for the project Neubert and I did for Intro to Computer Vision last quarter. Spiffy!
When I went to buy a
switch at Best Buy the other day, I broke down and doubled my DVD collection. I obtained
The Wiz for $5.99. I also bought a bundle for $20 that included
Moulin Rouge,
Romeo and Juliet, and
One Fine Day. Since
Michelle Pfeiffer did such a great job in
Grease 2, you know I'll be watching One Fine Day soon. (I really hope you caught the sarcasm...that movie was HORRIBLE! I recommend clawing your eyes out before watching it.)
I watched The Wiz last night...and a little today after work. It's weird to see Michael Jackson look like
this and act crazy for a movie role instead of in
real life. Overall, the movie was decent. I identified with it more now that I've been to
New York City. I'm like: "That subway has attacked me too!" (Watch the movie if you don't know what I'm talking about.) The music was fantastic! It amazes me to think that it was directed by an
older white male. It's a movie about African American culture. Meh...
I was going to write about how today was a good day...but I don't really feel like it. Suffice it to say, there were free
donuts at work today! Huzzah! They do it every Friday, and it's a nice way to start the end of the week.