Stolen from Dunderbug

Jun 05, 2008 09:11


Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A: At home nothing, at work Soul Calibur 4 wallpaper done by Joe Ng.

Q. How many televisions do you have in your house?
A: Two, one is mine, one is Jim's. Mine is like a tiny god of TVs!


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A: Both... Neither? Predominantly right, but I'm as close to ambidextrous without being there as you can get

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A: Teeth, and lots of them, including 1 permanent tooth. I have a tiny mouth.

Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A: X-Box360 Controller, ZING! (Actually my laundry basket)


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. Yes, thus allowing me to duck fate and live on!

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A: Nah, I like my name

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. Blue, Green, Grey and Black

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
A: When I was younger this was a fairly common occurrence


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A: Was going to but the person who was gonna pay wussed out.

Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A. Hell no!

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A. Hell yes!

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A. No.

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A: Yeah, yeah I would.

Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
A. No. There are a few people who would REALLY tempt me.


Q: What is in your left pocket?
A. June Metropass

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A: Dunno, never saw it

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A. Hardwood.

Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A: People sit in the shower? Isn't that a bath?

Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A: One


Q: Last person who texted you?
A: Kayla

Q: Last person who called you?
A: Kayla

Q: Person you hugged?
A: Kayla


Q: Number?
A: 23

Q: Season?
A: Fall

Q: Color?
A: Blue or Green


Q: Missing someone?
A: Kayla

Q: Mood?
A: Grumpy

Q: Listening to?
A: Random customer

Q: Watching?
A: I'm assuming they mean TV. Trigun & 6 Feet Under

Q: Worrying about?
A: Nothing really

Q: Wearing?
A: Undershirt, button up T-shirt, work pants, shoes, socks & underwear


Q: First place you went this morning?
A: Work

Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: Leave work

Q: Do you smile often?
A: Actually yes

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes
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