These people did not have the benefit of growing up in the 80's. When I was a child, we were taught that the two most dangerous things in the entire world were train tracks and abandoned refrigerators. Seriously, I got told to never go NEAR an abandoned refrigerator so many times that I thought they could literally reach out with tentacles or something and pull you in if you got within fifty feet of them.
Then there were train tracks. You've probably all seen the Roadrunner or Bugs Bunny cartoons where the bad guy comes to some train tracks, looks both ways, sees nothing, and then was obliterated by a train from out of nowhere the second they tried to cross. As a child, my two biggest informers of how the world worked were my parents and Warner Brothers cartoons. The ability of a train to materialize and kill you in the blink of an eye was the ONLY THING that these two sources of information agreed on! How I could I believe railroad tracks were anything BUT certain death for those foolish enough to approach them.
Do your job, parents. Raise your kids right. What is this country coming to?