What a week.

Aug 02, 2015 11:31

This has been a very trying week for both of us. So many things went wrong. Angie has been recovering from an illness that sent her to the ER, then her car lost its muffler strap. On Monday the apartment gave us notice that they would be fumigating the apartment on Wednesday and we had to take everything out of our cabinets and keep the pets out of the apartment. Luckily we found a friend who was willing to take on the pets while we were at work that day, but all of it was a huge hassle. I am the kind of person who prefers for 5am to be bedtime, not wake-up time.

I had to order a new power supply for my desktop PC since the old one got fried in a lightning storm. The package got stolen off my doorstep. Luckily, whoever opened it discarded the power source on the floor in the laundry room. After a few days of trying to find it via the seller and the post office, I happened to look in there and find it. It seems to work fine, but I think the video card is dead too. The computer comes on, but there is no response from the video card at all. I'm taking it to a tech friend to verify this before I spend a bunch of money on a new video card. But he's away house sitting so I can't do that until late next week. Sigh.

Yesterday after getting Angie's muffler fixed we went to a used book clearance sale. The store sponsoring it rented out the local convention center and it was a pretty big, well-attended event. I went in there not intending to buy anything and came out with a bag load, including fresh copies of CD's I've lost over the years and have been meaning to replace, (Tool's "Aenima", Loreena McKennitt's "The Mask and the Mirror.") On the way home we stopped a produce stand, (A literal produce stand,) and got some locally-grown goodies. Coming home, we found the road to our complex blocked off by police. After a winding detour we got home to find the power out in the building. Thankfully it came back on within a few minutes of us walking in the door, but we did not regain internet until this morning. We went out to do an errand later in the evening and saw streets blocked off in all directions with numerous work crews up in the power lines, so something big went down. I don't know, but it was an aggravating mess.

This whole week has been an aggravating mess.

life_gets_in_the_way, music, books, computer

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