Nothing to report

Apr 14, 2012 03:03

More and more lately I keep finding myself with things to blog about but when I sit down to do it it all goes away.

I got very nauseous on the way to work today. Wound up calling in sick and coming home. I feel bad about doing it but I knew I wasn't going to be able to pull a shift. I slept for most of the day and woke up feeling okay. Maybe it was stress that did it to me, I dunno. Work has been stressing and angering me a lot lately.

I'm really doing well writing music for my future metal band. I'm making a focused effort to write for soprano female vocals and it's actually turning out to be really good for me musically. It's getting me to add an element to my songwriting that I've been trying to find but that just hasn't been there before. After the theatre group does its performances in June I plan to buckle down, get with some musicians, and get to serious work. Exciting yet scary at the same time.

The price for all this musical completeness is that my fiction writing has suffered. I need to get back on that.

Questions of faith keep springing up a lot around me lately and I seem to encounter them even when trying not to seek them out. Maybe someone's trying to tell me something. I know a lot of it is probably being spurred by a book I'm reading called Wanderings by Chaim Potok. I don't read as much non-fiction as I should but I found this book on the clearance rack for one dollar and couldn't pass it up. It's a history of the Jewish people, but also serves as a very comprehensive history of the Middle East both before and during Biblical times. It takes a really interesting and informative approach to both Judaic and pagan beliefs of that time and how they changed and developed. It's really making my mind open to exploring a lot of things and asking a lot of questions. Potok is primarily a fiction writer and I'm curious to check out his novels now based on how unflinchingly he handles non-fiction.

I don't know that I can blame Potok's history book entirely though. I think the questions would keep coming up regardless.

religiosity, music, books, work

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