Jul 18, 2010 02:36
Well, the last two weeks we've seen a swap in green coming in. Everything's coming in bulk now, which requires less people working since we just run the trailer to the line instead of individual pallets. According to the boss it'll be like that the next two weeks too.
So week one of it I took a few vacation days, week two i took my last vacation day, still two weeks to go of mind numbing boring days full of meaningless, annoying tasks to warrant having us there.
with all the cut in hours, my SKS project is gonna be pushed back a touch. Top that off with the second installment of "Pay out your ass"for the old apartment i had coming soon.
On the plus side, all the cutbacks have made me come to realize how lazy i was with money, I really need to start conserving it instead of wasting it on pointless ventures