Hey it's a meme

Jul 29, 2012 19:13

Ganked this from queer_theory because I'm bored, and I kind of feel like talking about myself?

1. Your name: Jennie

2. All the places you've lived: Grew up in Davison, MI. Moved to Chicago in 2009 and am there still. And that's it. (Well. We had two different houses in Davison because we moved when I was 10. And I've had 2 different residences in Chicago, because while the 400 sq ft studio apartment was great for us when we were newlyweds and didn't own any stuff, it really was too small. So now we own a condo.)

3. Your first best friend: Huh. Weirdly enough, I think that was probably a girl named Ashley. She and I had the same birthday, met in preschool or something, and got along really well until I went to her birthday party one year. And at that party, everyone was REALLY LOUD and popping balloons on purpose and stuff, and that really bothered me so I was kind of being...sulky because I wasn't having fun. And then she called me a "party pooper" and I don't think I talked to her again until middle school. By which point I'm sure she'd completely forgotten that we even knew each other before, but it was weird for me because I remember shit like that FAR longer than I probably should.

4. Your childhood fears: I...don't really remember, honestly. The dark, for a while. I don't know what else, I seriously don't recall. Bees freaked me out, but that's because, you know, BEES.

5. What you were like in high school: Oh lord. Well. I did very well academically, so I got this reputation for being "the smart kid." Which I kind of hated for the most part, except that at graduation I was SUPER RESENTFUL that I came in 4th in our class, because the kid who came in...either 2nd or 3rd, now I can't even remember, literally failed parts of the charming standardized tests we had in high school. To this day I have absolutely no idea how his GPA was as high as it was. But anyway. Aside from being in all the honors/AP classes, I was also in band, and marching band, and pep band. And I fought to be allowed in jazz band, because our director insisted that "French horn is not a jazz instrument." (And this from a horn player, seriously.) So I learned trumpet. I had a fair amount of friends, though also felt kind of abandoned sometimes because the girl I considered to be my best friend didn't consider me to be hers. Also, I had the usual ridiculous series of crushes that most girls have in high school, but didn't actually have a boyfriend until senior year. (See question 7.)

6. Your fave and least fave subjects in school: High school or college? In high school, favorite was band, definitely, and least favorite was...probably English, because most of my English teachers sucked. Though I also loathed all manner of social studies classes, because JESUS FUCK I AM SO SICK OF AMERICAN HISTORY. (I was impressed, though, that we actually made it past WWII in sophomore history. Any history classes I'd ever taken before that, we ALWAYS got super far behind during the year, so WWII tended to be the most recent thing we covered.) In college, my absolute favorite class was History of Rock & Roll, because well. Duh? And least favorite was physics, because ew. Followed by biochem because our professor was terrible.

7. Your first boyfriend or girlfriend: First boyfriend, only boyfriend, now husband. He started flirting with me early in junior year of high school, and the summer before senior year we were at each other's houses all summer cuz we only lived a couple blocks away from each other. And we went to a lot of movies together, and started dating shortly before school started back up again. And then he proposed to me just before my final year of college, we got married a year later, and here we are.

8. Your oldest hobby: Reading! I FUCKING LOVE BOOKS. I started reading very early, and kind of never quit. Also, my reading level was always advanced for my age, but by the time I got to high school, I realized all the "advanced" stuff was REALLY FUCKING BORING. And now mostly what I read is all the teen fantasy fiction stuff I loved in middle school and high school. I re-read things a lot.

9. Your sexuality: Uh. So. I've never actually figured out exactly what to label myself. I mean. Sex with dudes is awesome. Boobs are awesome, I quite enjoy them. But I have no desire to be in the vicinity of ladyparts (TMI time, I don't even like touching my own). So. I'm kinda bi? (Oh, hey. I think this is the first time I've ever said that outright. So hey. Happy coming-out day?)

10. What you look for in a partner: Well. I'm married and therefore done looking. And honestly, I don't think I've ever really sat down and listed it out?

11. Your kids, or your feelings about having kids: I have no desire to have kids. EVER. There is a really long list of reasons why, but here are some highlights: I don't really like being around kids (I don't mind borrowing one for part of a day, but I need to be able to GIVE IT BACK when I'm tired of it. I will be the awesome auntie when my sibs get around to having kids). I really enjoy having free time. And personal space. And money. And the lack of a need to censor myself in my own home. Also, very small children are LOUD and SMELLY and they produce UNPLEASANT FLUIDS. And then they grow up a bit and WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP. And then they grow up some more to become asshole teenagers. And then they grow up a bit more and you have to pay 50k for them to go to college. So, uh, yeah. NO THANKS. (I talk to people NOT on the internet about this subject and frequently get the "oh you'll change your mind when you're older" reaction, because apparently 25 years old is not old enough to know what the fuck I want in life? And then there's the "but what about your husband?" argument: NEWS FLASH, he doesn't want them either. We had this discussion before we got married. I probably wouldn't've married him if he'd had a burning desire for children.)

12. Your pets, past and present: When I was a little kid, we had a series of fish. Then we got Jewel the parakeet, who was awesome and very smart for a bird, but she died fairly young because she got sick. And then we ended up with Jean-Luc and Chava, also parakeets, who are both dumb as a box of rocks. Then I moved out of my parents' house, and a couple months later we got Sophie (whose full name is Sophie Marie Cattington-Cattington), who is a lovely kitty except for when she feels it necessary to shit on the floor.

13. Foods you love and foods you hate: Food I love includes anything dessert-related and all breakfast foods (except the gross shit like cream of wheat). Foods I hate: a lot because I am picky. But topping the list is anything seafood related. Ew.

14. What your life was like ten years ago: Ten years ago I was 15. So. See the question about high school. That was pretty much my life. Lived with my parents and siblings. Didn't drive yet, which was a blessing (god I hate driving). ...Yeah.

15. How much alcohol you drink: A couple drinks a week, usually Friday and Saturday nights. (This is actually a lot, this year, compared to what I used to drink. Because we'd maybe have 1 or 2 drinks a month. But my job is stressful and really started getting to me, so in the past 7-8 months I've been drinking pretty much every weekend. But just enough to give be a bit of a buzz [I get very talky on the internet when I'm buzzed, it's kind of awesome], not enough to be hungover or anything.)

16. Your worst illness: Huh. Probably chicken pox when I was in 2nd grade.

17. What you do at work: TOO MUCH WORK. I'm a grad student (for another 2 and a half weeks!), so I do a lot of lab work. Molecular biology techniques, the details of which I won't bore you with.

18. A question or comment people should never make to you: "You'll want kids when you get older," see above.

19. The style of clothing you feel most comfortable in: Jeans and t-shirts, hands down. Good lord.

20. Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert: introvert. People exhaust me.

21. Who you have a crush on: Oh boy, here we go. Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johanssen, Clark Gregg, Robert Downey Jr, Kat Dennings (are we sensing a theme yet?), Kirsten Vangsness (LIGHT OF MY LIFE), Alan Alda, David Tennant, Stephen Fry. And I think I'll stop there, those are the major ones right now.

22. A friendship you lost: Huh. Besides the aforementioned Ashley, I don't think I've ever really had major losses of friends. I don't talk to a lot of people that often anymore, but we're still connected via facebook and stuff, so if I wanted to talk, I could.

23. Three achievements you’re proud of: the fact that I'm getting a Masters degree in 2 weeks. Uh. I don't honestly feel like I've achieved that much in my life? I graduated college in only 4 years and didn't change my major at all, that's kind of an achievement?

24. Your political views: I don't like politics. However. Equal rights for EVERYONE and for the love of god people STOP HURTING EACH OTHER is pretty much my political view.

25. Your religious beliefs: I was raised Catholic, but was never really all that into it. I now classify myself as an apatheist: I don't deny that there *might* be a deity of some form out there somewhere, but honestly? I don't actually care. At all. There are much more interesting things I could spend my time thinking about, so I just don't give that much thought to religion in general. (That said, Jewish traditions fascinate me. This is probably due to how often I watched Fiddler on the Roof as a kid.) Also, I wish religious people would stop trying to force other people to believe in their religion, because that's just annoying.

26. Your perfect night out: Dinner and a musical of some sort. Preferably Les Mis.

27. Whether you like to plan ahead or be spontaneous: Plan ahead. Not having a plan in place makes me nervous.

28. What you look for in a friend: shared interests! The ability to have fun and be non-judgmental if I'm acting like a freak (because I'm kind of a spaz sometimes). Non-cattiness. Loyalty.

29. Whether you’re a night owl or a morning lark: That's kind of a weird question for me. I enjoy evenings more, but start to burn out around midnight. If it comes to things requiring me to think/work, I'm sort of a "morning person" in that I function much better in the morning (I seriously can feel my brain shutting off around 5pm), so if I know I'm going to have a long day at work I elect to come in early rather than staying late. But I don't *like* mornings, so I don't actually consider myself a "morning person." I'm an evening person. I like evenings.

30. How you would like people to remember you: oh lord, I've never thought about that before. I guess I'd like them to remember me as a good person? A fun person? I don't even know.


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