Bored And Pulling A Late Night...

Apr 20, 2005 03:07

It has been a while since I've exponged random information about me, so...

1. Your Full name: Justin Matthew Brown

2. Do you feel like your name fits you? Eh...It's hard for any name to like...Fir anyone...But, sure.

3. Do you have an alter ego? No, but I do have an alter eggo. It's tasty.

4. Where were you born? Louisiana, in Lafayette.

5. Where do you live? Louisiana, but in Opelousas.

6. Do you like to travel? Eh...I don't like actual traveling, but if I like the people I'm with, then it's fun.

7. What is your birthday? It's the day I was born.

8. Do you have siblings? Yeah.

9. Do you have pets? Not specifically...

10. Which was the happiest year of your life? Umm...I don't know. I never really ranked my years.

11. How old do you wish you were? Probably 24 or so. That way, I'd be out of grad school, or about to be out.

12. A movie is being made about your life. Who would you cast to play yourself? Uh...Well, actually, this could go two ways. I could get someone who looks like me or someone totally different...Y'know, for the hell of it. Considering that, off the top of my head, I'd let Zach Braff, John Cleese (if I'm old in the movie), and probably (if I wanted the movie to make money) Johnny Depp play me. Or, in a pinch, I'd let Natalie Portman do it too.

13. Who would you cast to play your significant other? I could twist it and have me play the significant other to the movie me...That'd be creepy and a half, which would make the movie fun.

14. How would this movie end? Probably with me being dead, or me learning a lesson in life, or both, or an explosion. Or, me being dead and then right at the end, my hand comes up from the ground, because it's cool to have a movie on your life, but to have a whole series of them is way cooler.

15. Is it better to be famous or infamous? in(ternet)famous

16. You're going to die a natural death. What is the cause? At my current pace, heart failure.

17. Youre going to die a sudden, tragic death. What is the cause? Hmm...Killed by the CIA. Because that would a really cool story to tell.

18. How long do you plan on living? As long as I'm supposed to.

19. What was the last song you got stuck in your head? Deftones - Pink Maggit

20. Sing any commercial jingle. Despite that I can't spell half the words in it, and don't remember the number exactly... "1-800-851-8900. Diesel Driving Academy!"

21. What is your favourite element on the periodic table? Tungston. Don't ask why.

22. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset, because sunrises are always scheduled too early.

23. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.

24. Creation or evolution? Evolution, but complexly.

25. Action or reaction? Reaction.

26. Unity or individuality? Individuality, even though it's human nature to form groups.

27. Hugs or drugs? Hugs, but rugs beats both of those. I like carpeting.

28. Animal, vegetable, or mineral? Mineral

29. Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle? Fudgecicle, all the way.

30. Fight or flight? Flight. It's easier.

31. Who is your favourite historical figure? Umm...Pythagoras? Sure, that'll work.

32. Which historical figure could we have done without? Well, considering the part each played, I like having all of them...But I could do without having to remember a lot of it.

33. What happened in the last dream you remember? I'm really bad at remembering dreams...Actually, I think in the last one, I was late for work...

34. Do nice guys really finish last? Well, in a race, they might. "Sure, you can go ahead of me, that's fine."

35. What are your favourite boy names? For kids, I don't have names that I care for too much...But I do have names that I dislike.

36. What are your favourite girl names? See 36.

37. Open or closed? Closed.

38. White bread or wheat bread? White...Usually.

39. Is it better to burn out than to fade away? If I had to choose, burn out.

40. You put a quarter into a toy machine. What comes out? Considering my childhood, odds are it's going to be some sort of slimey thing.

41.What do you want to be when you grow up? A mathematician. That doesn't really seem like a lofty goal now that I think of it, hehe.

42. What were your favourite childhood toys? Out of all of them, probably my transformers. I still got 'em somewhere around here.

43. What was your first pet? I have no idea. Memory's not that great.

44. What annoys you? A few things, but I can't think of anything off hand.

45. What is your favourite action caption from the old batman tv show? (example. "pow" or "blam") "Zing!" But my favorite part from that show was that they had a group of bad guys once in an organization with the acronym CROOK or something like that, then they had all black clothes with that word in big white letters on it, so they were totally labeled.

46. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop? One, A-two-hoo, Three. Three.

47. The glass...half empty or half full? After all the times that was asked, it's probably totally empty.


48. Tightie whities: Not that fun.

49. McDonalds happy meals: Those used to be far more awesome...When I had a kid sized stomach.

50. Reality shows: I used to like these, but now...It's just too much.

51. Gummi bears or gummi worms? Worms. Totally.

52.Would you rather sky dive or deep sea dive? Hmmm...Probably deep sea dive, even though I'd rather die from falling than drowning.

53. Paper or plastic? Paper.

54. What position do you sleep in? Close to the wall.

55. Do you sleep on the left, right, or middle of the bed? That depends on where my pillow is. Which ever side is closer to the wall is where I'll be.

56. Sweet or sour? Sweet.

57. What was your favourite after school special? I'm not sure, since my kidhood is fuzzy.

58.What is your favourite word? Don't have one...

59. Beach or mountains? Mountains, but not by much. Don't care for either really...

60. Mounds or almond joy? neither appeals to me.

61. Do YOU feel like a nut? I have...Too lazy to find the entry about it, but I have...

62. To give or to recieve? Give.

63. Chocolate or caramel? Caramel. Mmm....

64. Do you have any nicknames? Currently, I think Jizzy's the only one, but I have been Jizzy Brizzy, JusinBrown, and J.B. for little whiles.

65. What does your name mean? I think justice.

66. Have you ever fainted? Not fully. I tried though, way back in like fourth grade. I still remember the method.

67.Have you ever had a crush on a school teacher? Umm...Not a crush...I have had hot ones though. No, I'm not going to name any.

68.What was the last thing you ate? McDonald's burger, because Danielle's cool like that.

69.Do you have any bad habits? You know it!


what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear...

70. Grey...Sky

71. Human...Ity

72. Fruit loop...Tucan Sam

73. Glove...Clover (My mind was in cereal still...)

74. Plum...Prune

75. Structure...Office

76. Race...Fast

77. Heart...Blood

78. Parasite...Leech

79. What was your first happy memory? This'll sound weird, but I don't remember my first memories. All my early ones are jumbled without chronilogical order.

80. What was your first unhappy memory? See 79.

81. If you could visit any time period, what would it be? Probably the Renaissance, or any other time with a fairly large explosion of art and such.

82. What would Jesus do? Really, probably be disheartened by the misconstrusions of His words...

83. Make up a word and define it. fugilate (fyu-jil-eight) - v. - to force something to decompose extremely fast

84.Favourite kool aid flavour? Orange, all the way.

85. Favourite pick up line? Are you tired? Because you've been running all day. Seriously, I saw you do it. I've been watching for a while now...

86. Who was the third gunman on the grassy knoll? It was Kennedy himself! How's that for a twist?

87. What did you like to make believe as a child? Among other things, being a Ninja Turtle and Power Ranger was fun.

88. Did you have an imaginary friend? No. I had television.

89. Would you like to live in a castle or a mansion? If I had to have a big house like that, I'd have a manstle. All the outer impressiveness of a castle, with all the fanciness of a mansion.

90. Re-arrange some of the letters in your first, middle, and last name to form a description of yourself: I just wrote math bnn.

91. Do it fast or do it right? Do it right, enough.

92.What was the last book you read? Fully, Naked Pictures Of Famous People by Jon Stewart.

93. Have you ever had surgery? Not yet.

94. Random fact about you. If you put me in water, I can get all kinds of pruney in the finger region. Really!

95. What is the first thing you wash in the shower? Hair.

96. What is your favourite cereal? Cinnamin Toast Crunch. It owns parts of my being.

97. If you could learn any foreign language, what would it be? For fun, German. For use, French. For the hell of it, Latin.

98. If you had the choice to live forever, would you? Maybe...If it would mean that I couldn't die, but would age and junk, then no. But if I got like a regenerating clause in there, totally.

99. If you had the choice to be the opposite sex for a day, would you? As long as it's just for a day, absolutely.


100. Fate? Not fully.

101. Ghosts? Maybe...Not completely though.

102. God? Yeah.

103. Big foot? One big hairy thing in the woods? No. Maybe a few, but not just one.

104. Soul mates? Yes, but not like in a one person for every person type of way...

105.Aliens? I hope so...

106.Angels? Maybe...If ghosts exist, then they do too. Don't ask why, but I sort of mentally group them the same way.

107. Loch ness monster? Not really, but it'd be neat if it would.

108. Heaven and hell? Kind of...

109. The Zodiac? The Zodiac is just a bunch of groups of stars, so obviously it can be believed it. Now, astrology is something else. But I don't believe in that, so oh well.

110. Love at first sight? No.

111. Karma? Well, karma as a force no, but karma as in good things for good people and bad things for bad, yeah.

112. Vampires? No.

113. If you had any super power, what would it be? Hmm...Super speed would be cool. Or pyrokeneticism.

114. Would you use your power for good or evil? Actually, I'd probably use it in a very selfish manner...But I'd do good deeds every once in a while.

115. Name something nostalgic. ALF

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