impromptu, un-forewarned hiatus of late. sorry. not sure if it will be a bit longer.
comments and reading... i know i am real far behind. Dx i'm sorry
the sales guy that does the hiring...
he is sort of a tricky bastard always trying out mind games. he is also the one that in the interview said, "personality and fitting in are more important than skills." (ok, i get that, to a certain point, but having a useless person that fits in fabulously still seems like a waste of time.) so, high-class-trailer-trash sales girl is like his right hand. figuratively only. as far as i know. and she's a bitch and we haven't talked, right. so i think that might now be a problem.
apparently i can get along wth everyone, and she is still the mark i am measured by. (excuse me a moment. *ahem* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!) i feel sick. seriously.
sales guy brought me in for a little meeting 'too see how i was doing' and oh MAN. he really said a lot without saying much at all. soooo subtle. i wonder if he realizes that i follow that kind fo shit? like asking offhandedly if there was anyone i didn't get along with. that had h.c.t.t. (abbreviations are faster) written all over it. he looks at me, and asks me that, in such a nice way that encourages truth....
real quick, here is what i have learned in life about truth:
it is a noble aspiration. but sometimes you cannot use it. curb that impulse, no matter how strong, because there are times when the person asking for truth is just going to take it and fuck you with it. this was one of those times.
so i blinked and said there was noone.
he started in on how he always gives new people the benefit of the doubt, (he implied people have been saying stuff to him), and asked if it took me a while to warm up - if i was shy. he very soon went into the whole saying "hi" and "goodnight" crap and that i didn't seem to do that all the time.
no, i don't. i personally think it is stupid to always say hi and by to everyone EVERY SINGLE DAY. catch the people in your path, ok. but making rounds?? hvdiufhgiudhg
so i will have to train myself to be something that irritates me. i will hate myself, but by god, i will be king of social niceties. i will greet h.c.t.t. EVERY goddamn day, and say goodnight EVERY time we leave and annoy the piss and snot out of her because hey - the sales guy thinks THAT is the way to create a friendly atmosphere.
note: i'm planning to talk to the bitch anyway. like make it sound like i'm saying "there seems to be a problem" and take all the blame and offer my apologies for putting her out and all that. people like her like feeling big. so i'll try that. fuckit why not. i'll already feel like a tool for the hi/goodbye stuff. most of all, i don't want to loose this job. i actually like it.
to give you an idea of the headgames more thoroughly-
sales guy said in my interview that the final hiring was decided by the bosses. during this meeting, he sorta slipped, and said how he, the sales guy does all the hiring and firing blah blah (he was talking about management skills at the time). so that's nice, isn't it?
he also said that my other boss, the engineer, it really impressed with my work, then shrugged off giving his won opinion, even though he HAS seen some stuff. just that day in fact. "the enginner is more for skills," sales guy says, "but i am more interested in the people aspect. if someone doesn't fit in..."
if only they had had room in the offices in the back, where people i actually need to talk to for my job are, instead of up front. it seems unfair that i'm judged on interaction with someone who is pissed that i'm supposed to get an office, and she is not. that is a fucking HURDLE i can only leap if she allows it. could i bribe her? offer to get her drunk or something? ...tell her she can have the office, if it'll make her stop acting like a bitch?
are all of you alright?
i was worried about the many of you that live up there when someone mentioned earthquakes to me the other night (they were not canadian. so all i got was earthquakes). what's the deal? where did it shake stuff up? was it the west coast what with the quakes in china? (japan? see, i don't recall that part of the story and have not been online to where i could check)