spent the last two days buying stuff for the cosplay - mostly stuff for the wigs.
the damn wigs. this is a bigger project than i expected. i did a lot of research and prep work on them yesterday and the night before. when i'm done, i'll post a pic (i now have a flicker account) of my... well a sort of journal thing that i was writing in, making notes in, and drawing little illustrations regarding the process. if nothing else, it provides a handwriting and doodle sample. (i like when people post stuff like that.)
i also somehow got into a drawing groove.
it occurs only when the stars are perfectly aligned. i love it when it happens. i can bust out manga pages like nobody's business. i go into an almost zen state for HOURS. for some reason my drawing style when i'm like this is more experimental, quicker, and more accurate, and just... better. i also have an easier time with staging (picking the scene, character positions, expressions and the like)
if i try and make myself draw, and i'm not feeling it - i get cartoony. blasphemy. and slow. and uninspired. and i can't set up scenes worth a damn. it's sad. but i suppose intermittent talent is better than no talent.
but i fixed one page and drew another three full pages since last night (on the deathnote story) bringing me to a whopping 25 pages!
regarding the cosplay... my eyes are unavoidable BLUE which is a no go. i found a pair or black/dark grey lenses online that won't cost me $100 (which the 'blackout' lenses from wildeyes would have.). and i was starting to wonder - the cosplay sort of demands a pair of handcuffs if you go as both characters, and i thought it was a shame that i've only seen the handcuffs once. it was on an L, but alas, there was no Light in sight. woe. so me and R are doing it up right - but i wonder how airport security is going to handle finding a pair of metal cuffs in our bags. i know they are all confiscatey now.
and once i get the wigs styled, i would hate to crush them in a bag. R suggested just wearing the wigs.... i just don't know that security is going to like that either.
side note. family is being annoying. my brother just had to call yesterday, at 8 in the morning (i didn't pick up, so he left a msg.) asking how i was enjoying my first day of freedom. needless to say, i wouldn't know as i had yet to do anything with my day at that point. i hadn't even muddled through breakfast, or had any coffee. and you know, normally i wouldn't mind the thought - but i have talked to both my mum and brother like every day for the past month. i'm a little done. especially for stupid shit like that. my GOD stop calling!
i feel accomplished with the manga work i got done... am sort of dreading wig work as i don't know how the hell i'm supposed to sew wefts into a wig... and i probably should study web design like i originally was going to. but the thing is - i should focus on projects that are hard to do around work. and web design studying worked just fine. so maybe it'll be manga, writing on the KH fic, wig work (*sob*), and doing stuff for mum's banner (dammit woman, i don't know how to SEW! i said i'd *design* the thing.... i.... oh hell. fine. i'll try.)
i used the borrowed sewing machine on the wefts, and thought, "damn. how do people manage to make clothes and shit??" so, to anyone who can sew.... i salute you. it is no easy thing. for sure.