Feb 15, 2010 19:30
Haven't posted in a bit so here are the nuts and bolts of recent life.
I DROVE to NYC from Burke. Well, actually it was about a half hour farther out than that as I was picking up a friend. But I fucking drove. 6 hours with only one stop on the way. I am very proud of myself.
Had a fun time with the non Valentine's day (that is actually part of the party title, my friends no me so well) party at Mike and Mandy's, and my death outfit (pictured) got a bit more use. Met some other metalhead, I know where my new place will be if everything works as it supposed to, and I got to do more parallel parking.
By the way, HATE driving in NYC. HATE it.
Speaking of progress, I finally starting hearing from the AT&T people up north, and I was asked about where in particular I was moving and exactly when I wanted to start up there. So hopefully I'll hear something down the pipe shortly. Not looking forward to commuting from Manassas into DC otherwise.
Not sure what to make of some things on the trip. I was chatting with Andrea, who I drove up with me, and I thought there might have been interest but I really don't know. It more sounds like the if things had gone a certain way maybe sort of thing. I'm not pinning anything on this as she'll still be here when I move up so it's more just something I give a bit of thought to from time to time.
It was fun hanging with her regardless. Even got her to enjoy some nevermore. And of course me screaming virtually every word on the way back. Have to get more music people know for car trips. *makes mental note*
Trying to get things wrapped up around here and of course the whole packing thing. Stupid packing.
Anyway that's what occurs to me to type at present. More later if the mood strikes.