New Friends!

Mar 04, 2012 06:19

Hello and Good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone who befriended me at the usxuk community! Here is a little more about me and what I do if you didn't spot me on the friending meme:
Name/Nickname: Helen/ubermidget

Age: 28 (I think Blink 182's "What's my age again?" song applies here, lol!)

Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

Favorite Hetalia characters: UK, USA, Canada, Greece, Denmark, Prussia, Italy

So, what's your favorite thing about America/England?: They bicker but they fit together so well!

What non-Hetalia fandoms are you into?: I'm mainly into the Hetalia and The Legend of Zelda fandoms, but I also like the following: Full Metal Alchemist (Ed, Al, Winry, Roy, Riza - oh heck, most of the characters!) Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, a little Yugioh (first and second series), Bleach, a little Soul Eater, a little Gundam Wing, a little Street Fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog (Classic), Kingdom Hearts (got into that late last year), a little of Pokemon, a little of Harry Potter, Sherlock, Dr Who, My Little Ponies (I've been a fan since I received my first Cherries Jubilee plushie pony when I was 5. The Friendship is Magic series is adorable and hilarious to me!), Thundercats (old series), Disney films, a little from the Marvel comics universe (mainly the animated cartoons and films) and a lot more than what I've mentioned here - feel free to ask me!

What do you post about in your journal?: Mostly fan-art I've drawn, crafts I've made and a little life in general.

What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: (this can include anything from 'someone who'll comment' to 'someone to RP with' etc.) Someone who will comment and I can talk to about our favourite fandoms, things we like and a little life in general.

Anything else?: I'm a free-lance illustrator, animator and plush-doll maker. When I'm not working on commissions, I like to make fan-art and fan plush dolls, like the two lovelies below (Pirate UK and Captain America Jones from cosmic_dare's "You Can't take the Sky from Me" fan-fic). Photos and updates about them sometimes appear in my journal, they're all jokingly a part of my house's family life and I take one or two of them with me to conventions in the UK! Other dolls I've made include Link and Britannia Angel.

I any of you are on Tumblr, you can find me there too: I usually put up my works in progress, the odd photograph and reblog quirky blogs/images of note. I'll be happy to follow you too if you're there.

I'm tired now, must go to bed - I've been drawing all night and need sleep! XD


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