Hey, it's been a while! Two months gone already, wow! London Expo has been and gone (met Vic Mignona, he's absolutely lovely!), the Zelda Symphony Concert in London was amazing (I cried when composer Koji Kondo played "Grandma" on the piano in the encore), and several conventions after left me exhausted by the end of November! I expected to have December off so I could get some personal projects out of the way and curl up playing "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" (AMAZING game, I love the graphics and the story - difficult in some places but I'm hooked!) No such luck in getting any rest though - my God-brother has given me an animation job, to help him make his own mobile phone app. I need the professional experience, I would have been mad to pass it up! I also have two secret santas to draw out before the 24th December, both Hetalia related and USxUK. I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday, there are two presents remaining which I will be personally making - one is a cake, the other will be a character pillow for a dear friend.
Speaking of Christmas, hope you all have a happy and safe one! Here' s some cuddly Christmas Spirit from my "Convention Assistants" Link, Pirate UK and Pilot America: