Aug 19, 2004 09:06
On homesexuality, eugenics and christianity...
poeple have always asked me why me, of all people - somoene who is clearly very opinionated about religion and is all too willing to trash it, would have converted to christianity some time ago. The truth is that i dont really know. I like to think of it as research - something i felt i had to do. I studied the bible in light of what it had to say about homosexuality and in turn, what it said about christianity as a whole. It was, i found, to be full of shit. It is not so much a choice as they would have you think...really, it isn't - i would know. I've spoken to some "new-borns" and basically they have admitted to me that by default, they HAVE to believe that there is a choice because if they dont, they are basically accepting a flaw within the context of the bible. But they make no room for such flaw(s). The almighty is perfect. I have always said that the day that science is able to pin point the gene that hardwires us to be homos will be the day that the christian establishment will be utterly debunked. Hundreds of years of persecution and war will come crashing down in the faces of those who so blindingly subscribed to the notion of the christian god. I've always said that i live for this moment. Yet, it is alarming to realize that in light of the growing genetic technology, such breakthrough could quite possibly lead to the manupulation of such said gene. The ability to turn on/turn off the genes will inevitably be in the head of some self-proclaimed "god-sent" scientist that will be doing us all a favor by ridding the earth of the homosexucal populace. A eugneically driven world no doubt, will ensue.