The strangest morning

Feb 03, 2010 09:23

I've been awake for about 20 minutes.

I wake to the sound of my phone making its usual alarm-type noises. That's odd, though - it's not the alarm, it's a phone call. In the time it takes me to realise this, react and put my glasses on, I've missed the call. And another one before that, apparently.

No sooner has the first caller hung up than I get another call from somebody who can't connect to their server. I walk through a few basic checks with them and manage to restore connectivity over the phone. They tell me to invoice double because they called so early, so I've earned £20 without even getting out of bed yet.

Next I check my voicemails and return the call I missed. Another client wants to check that I got the email they sent me. I confirm this and thank them for it. They pressure me for an ETA on when they'll see some new software. I tell them I'll show them something by Friday.

Seconds after I'm done with that call, the phone rings again. This time it's my mother, to tell me that my grandfather died this morning.

I've been awake for about 20 minutes.
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