There is a jerk out there...oh what a suprise.

Jun 11, 2009 21:19

So last Saturday after bimbling around town and then chilling on the sofa, we decided to go out for once.  It doesn't happen often really but seeing as Taffdan was up and it was Jo Fury's birthday and stuff t seemed like a good idea.  There was 7 of us altogether in Firebug and we had got a table.  I was sat by the window, which meant I was furthest away from the end of the table where people walk past.

I had a couple maybe three glasses of wine.  When people were buying rounds two people went to the bar so drinks were ferried back to the table and not left unattended.  I didn't leave the table except to buy a round.  My drink was not left unwatched at all.

I lost an hour in the pub, which makes me think it happened in there.  I have had people fill me in on what we spoke about and they said I was pretty normal, maybe a bit tipsy but then I had been drinking.

We walked to Mosh.  We went in and downstairs and as I got part of the way down the stairs I stopped stepping on steps and kind of fell/sat down heavily, stopped for a moment and then got up again.  I now have an array of bruises including bruised ribs and elbow.  I brushed myself off thought I had bruised my elbow really badly until Al said it was dirt and carried on.

Apparently when we went upstairs it was my suggestion to dance, but I don't know what song it was and didn't stay on the dance floor very long.  When I sat down Al realised domething was wrong.  We went home where Al, Jo and Taffdan kept me awake and stuff while I drank tea.  My whole world was only about 3 foot around me and I couldn't see any further than that.  I kept passing out, I threw up.  It was not my idea of a fun night out at all.

Since then I have had headaches, dizziness and am quite tired and confused a lot.  It is getting better, but earlier on I did jump out of my skin at the toaster popping.   The police have been informed and I have been checked out at the doctors.  The worst part of it is that I was with a group of people I trust, my drinks were not left unattended and I am lucky I didn't wander off on my own somewhere - this means it could happen to anyone anytime.  Not just vunerable students who are in a new town.  I have know people get spiked at events where bottles are passed around and people swig from other people's drinks, it is an obvious risk.  I don't think we took any risks as a group and it still happened.

Someone out there is a jerk.  
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