Jan 12, 2003 23:07
Friday I got home from school and I had been looking forward to going ride and when I got home my mom had already left and then my dad was in a pissed off mood and when I told him that I wanted to go ride he just said sorry and left. I was mad at both of them for a while but then I just told myself to get over and I started working on my science fair project. In two hours I had finished it... so then I was excited because that meant I could do something on Friday. Yet again my plans were diverted... my friends were too busy to do anything with me and my boyfriend had made plans with his friends but when their plans fell through he still didn't ask me to do anything. I then stayed home and watched the Disney channel. Saturday night I was supposed to have a bunch of people come sleep at my house because I somehow invited them all... and then my mom and I got in a huge fight and I IMed them all and said that I was really sorry but tonight wasn't a good night for them to come over and that I would probably have to leave my house as well. I was crying when Emily called and told me that I had to come to her house. I felt better immediately... to know that somebody cares about you enough to realize that you're having a hard time at your house and then invite you over to cheer you up is just awesome. I realized what a great friend Emily was at that moment. I then got back online and Lani told me that if I needed to get away from my house that I could go sleep at hers! I was just like so happy at this point... Sometimes you realize what makes a good friend and you learn to not take people for granted and to appreciate them completely.