Mr Kitten. Your services are required on the weekend of the 5th April in Cyberdog. Your mission, should you choose to accept, will be revealed upon asking.
To the moon and back?uberkittenMarch 27 2003, 16:23:35 UTC
*purrs gently*
I'm not entirely sure why people are calling me Mr! it's not necessary; also it implies masculinity. Hmmm.. of course. You will be added once the time is right. What's this mission I've accepted then?
Re: To the moon and back?untermenschMarch 28 2003, 04:25:26 UTC
Well you met me and Marc together in that dodgy coffee shop early one Sunday morning before watching mutilated_fairy's fire-breathing antics. The other Mark will probably be cybermuppet
also, add me!
I'm not entirely sure why people are calling me Mr! it's not necessary; also it implies masculinity. Hmmm.. of course. You will be added once the time is right. What's this mission I've accepted then?
The mission involves silveraj, Cyberdog, a camera, 2 Mark's, 1 Marc, and 1 Markk. And probably a Dave and a Jamie. On the 6th... >=)
Oooh... ok, so silveraj I have experienced. Cyberdog has already abused me. Marc I've met- not entirely sure about the other Marks. A camera... ahh.
*kitten bounces with excitement as he suspects he sees where all this is heading.*
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