I have reached
I nearly didn't make it. I was ready to go, but I couldn't find my cell phone. I searched the 2 places I usually keep it with no luck. Short story is, I left it plugged into my monitor at work charging. (It's a razr, which uses usb.) After a dash to work to get it, and the itinerary that I also left on my desk (as well as new tshirt that mysteriously appeared in the past 12 hours). I think I left work at 8:35 and my flight left at 9:30. I made it to the parking lot by around 9, parked in short term (eep!), and found myself at the end of a 20 person line at check-in. Using my keen skills of observation, I saw that there was a 9am flight to Phoenix that was canceled (this seems to happen often). After asking the people in front of me if they were waiting to be rebooked, I skipped to the front of the line to ask if it was too late to claim my seat. There were 2 other people in line also waiting for that flight. I think it was about 9:10 at this point. It was too late to check baggage there, so I had to do it at the gate, which meant taking it through the normal security screening. TSA didn't seem to care that the bag had been packed intending for it to be a checked bag, I had to surrender my normal sized toothpaste and new can of shaving creme. I got to keep my razor blades however. I also learned that every time I check my bi-pap machine, they are guaranteed to open my bag and run that chemical residue test on it. Terrorists have sleep apnea!
A conversation snippet from the Las Vegas airport Burger King:
Me: I'd like combo 8,
Cashier: I have trouble with the computer. Am I supposed to put the person's name in or the website in first?
Me: I don't know what you're talking about.
Either I have a face that says ask me computer questions, or she saw my google backpack. I didn't even have a computer related tshirt on. I was wearing
this one encouraging people to poke an eye out. I guess using a computer made her want to poke an eye out.
And while I'm thinking about it, I've observed this several times. When I order from a fast food place, I always say, No Pickle, No Onion, No Tomato. The order changes, but I include all three. This seems to break cashiers when said food doesn't include those items naturally. I get a response of the form, blah doesn't come with tomatoes. I'm sure this gives some insight into the way that people-who-are-not-me think, but I'm not sure what it is.