Jan 10, 2006 02:42
Okay so I'm like, this is the 2nd non-ridiculous post ever and the first time I've ever done something like this. Feel special Ruben.
I'm suppose to give you guys 6 of my ridiculous habits and what not then i'm suppose to pick five other people to do it blah blah blah whatever.
Here we go.
1. When I cut my finger nails I cut them uneven and awkward on purpose. They always point in several places and are never even. This is so I can place my finger on a desk or other flat surface and roll the edge of the fingernail along it and feel as it bumps along unevenly. I find this soothing and I usually do it when I'm bored, nervous, or grossed out.
2. I'm a very obsessive pack rat. I have a hard time selling, donating or getting rid of junk items that I don't need anymore even if it's broken. I kept an old boat motor for a year and a half before I finally worked up the strength to get rid of it. I've kept old bikes and toys from when I was real little hidden away in garages and papers of school work I never finished or did in the first place bound into notebooks.
3. Sometimes if a song I want to listen to playing on the stereo I'll turn it off cause I get scared that if I listen to it too many times when I want to hear it I'll stop wanting to hear it all together. You know, since I like the song and all I don't want to get sick of it so I force myself to not listen to it all that much. (This habit only happens about 50% of the time.)
4. I can't ever sleep in the same spot for more than a month or two. I'll sleep in my bed for a month or so, then I'll sleep on my couch for a while. Sometimes I'll move to the floor for another month then it's back to the bed but if I sleep in the same spot for too long I start getting too comfortable with where I'm at and I can't sleep at all.
5. I have a bad habit of telling myself i have too much stuff to do for me to go to sleep. I just keep telling myself that I don't have time to sleep when really I have nothing to do at all. For some reason some part of me just hates going to sleep.
6. Kevin says I have a habit of sleeping on concrete. That's sorta true. I have a habit of passing out drunk on concrete. There's a difference.
I'm not gonna tag anyone else, if you feel like telling someone (or just me) your six fucked up habits you go on with your bad self. Just post it.