Oct 08, 2005 14:59
Hey all. I'm in chelsea's room right now just chilaxin while she finishes her costume.
We are going to be so FARKING cute!!!
We've been jamming out to cat stevens this whole week, it's been awesome.
We've also come up with a game plan to start something up with "forrest." We're going to invite her and her friends to a german study group, and then we can just chill and hang out and she can discover her undying love for me.
Oh yea, this is going to rock.
This miranda chick, who is also in my german class, has been following me and staring at me for the past couple of weeks and it's starting to get really bad now. I can't shake her off, maybe i should pretend to be straight!
Wow, a lot of shit happens in german, rebecca needs to start falling for someone in the class now.
just in case you didn't know.
Well, i think i'm going to run off, i'll see most of you tonight, and will update later with fun sadie hawkins news!