Jul 22, 2004 17:11
That's right folks, our night in shining armour is back in action. The artist formerly known as Drunk Wes has returned to us just in time. You might remember him from such parties as "Drunk Wes In the Bushes", "Drunk Wes Gets Dirty Boxers In The Mouth", and many more of our most cherished moments. We were sure that his retirement would stick. He got his license back,, got a good job that payed well, and we haven't seen him for 2 months. But shame on us for having no faith. The Captain America of our generation has proven that nothing can hold him down, not even the first glimpse of a promising future in years. I had the honor of sitting front row in his first game back from retirement last night at Sherlocks. Needless to say it was super suite. It was as if he never left. This is the real deal people. He got his car repossessed, quit his job, and bought some beer. That's our hero, back in action. Now we can sleep soundly at night knowing that somewhere out there, Wes is shit faced and passed out with Sharpie all over his face. So, the next time you open a beer or lift that mixed drink to your mouth, remember who started it all......................... Drunk Wes. We love you man.