here we go, a post with oomph. "oomph" in this case meaning 1970s kung fu beatdowns.
I've felt a little urge to hop back on this to keep track of what's going on. also, angstangstangst is kinda fun to go back and read later.
tomorrow I'm seeing the Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D, possibly after a little alcohol imbibe-age; either an incredibly epic or incredibly stupid idea. probably the latter.
I'm trying to get out of the house as often as possible to ween myself off this silly WoW addiction. nearly three years and as many 70s is quite enough tomfoolery kthxbai.
last night @ 4am I watched Enter the Dragon for the first time while baking Erin's cookie dough and studying for an exam. cookies were good, Bruce was better.
Bruce Lee vs WolverineHan.
you can call it the art of fighting without fighting.