Create your own Troy blog entry:
After I worked _______________ hours, I went to __________ and
[number over 12, less than 20]
[art gallery]
felt __________ after eating _____________. I went home,
[negative adjective]
[non-corporate food that costs five dollars]
changed, and went to ________________ and saw __________
[hipster activity]
[skinny waif]
while listening to ________________. I saw a guy push a girl and
[obscure band]
ALMOST _________________.
[masculine action]
I also bought _________________ and _____________. They
[random expensive art book]
[random but cheap comic]
reminded me of when i worked at ______________ all those
[famous Williamsburg store]
years ago and ________________ came in every day and asked
[comic artist]
to be my best friend 4ever.
Here is a picture of _______________; he's in _______________;
[guy's name]
[famous band]
they sound a lot like _________________.
[lightning bolt]
Now I'm going to dream of ___________________.
[hipster activity]
Poll Create your own Troy blog entry:* All pics are from Lastsnightsparty and are used without permission. I have no fucking clue who they are, and I hope that they and Bronque can take a joke.
This entire post is based on an IM conversation between my friend Chioke and Sarah McAbee (aka,