
Feb 22, 2006 17:19

This is my introduction so far on my paper about Eugenics:
There is a draw to a dirty, weed infested garden that compels you to pick out the undesirable plants and preserve the beautiful, fragrant flowers that you wanted to grow in the first place. Isn’t it more beneficial to only allow the tulips, roses, and hydrangeas to grow? Some people would equate that same ‘garden sterilization’ to human sterilization. Some people want to effectively ‘weed out’ the ‘less-desirable’ people with mental illnesses, genetic defects, sexual perversions, low intelligence, and even on the simple base of ancestry. Some people call the movement eugenics, but it looks a lot like genocide.

Now imagine the future where eugenics is commonplace and practiced daily. In varying cases that can mean forced sterilization, medical procedures to ensure a healthy, specific gendered/intelligent/colored baby, and birth control a la planned parenthood. Well, this isn’t a far-distant future; it’s actually a past and present heading towards a perfected future. For proof I will draw on a review of Brave New World, multiple Internet links encompassing The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic plan for Black Americans and Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race, and article from the San Francisco Chronicle titled Eugenics and the Nazis - The California connection and the book War against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race both by Edwin Black. Hopefully I will be able to prove that expensive and selective eugenics programs designed to progress a particular race (even without direct extermination in the process) leads to indirect genocide. Eugenics isn’t an answer to solve problems of the human race. It’s advancement of the few and far between über-rich that control a majority of our world today.

What do you think?
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