(no subject)

Jan 14, 2010 12:11

So I need either a lot of work done on my truck, or to get a new vehicle. I have a 95 F150. It is driveable, but needs lots of work done to be safe and for me and Rob to feel safe driving it.

Here is an itemized list of everything wrong with the truck, or everything that needs work done on it. Please take a look; do you think it would be worth it to get all of this work done, or should I invest the money in a new vehicle? I do believe that if I get this work done, the truck will last several more years in good condition.
  • Oil/fluid change
  • State inspection
  • Fix A/C - not blowing cold
  • Fix rubber molding on floor around gearshift - has been broken since transmission was replaced two years ago - smells and fumes waft into the cab at times 
  • Rear gas tank line doesn't work
  • Radio/tape player buttons broken, missing
  • Dashboard is disgustingly messy and cracked and needs to be replaced...too damaged/stained to fix up
  • Doors are difficult to unlock from outside with key, if they unlock at all. Sometimes I have to unlock the passenger side, go in through there, and unlock the driver side door from the inside
  • Needs new tires
  • Emergency Brake doesn't seem to be sufficient to hold the truck securely on an incline, such that I have to usually put it in first gear to be sure it won't roll or break the emergency brake
  • New front bumper - current one has been bent to hell since, oh, 2002 or so. Looks extremely unattractive and needs to be replaced
  • Right front fender is damaged and should be replaced
  • The thing is filthy inside and out and needs to be cleaned or detailed and washed, waxed, the works
  • Could use new seat belts instead of the rigid, hard ones that constantly fall under the seat
  • Could use a new gearshift vanity piece
  • Could use a bed liner

Should I sell this truck for what I can get for it and buy a new car? Or should I fix this one up and have it last several more years? I own the truck outright and owe no money on it. I imagine that either way it will cost thousands of dollars (less thousands to get it fixed, though), but no idea how much either route would cost.

I'm confused in this world of adultness and responsibility. Help me!


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